EIN 23-7063682

Regional Center For Independent Living

IRS 501(c) type
Num. employees
Year formed
Most recent tax filings
Regional Center For Independent Living empowers people with disabilities to self-advocate, live independently, and enhance the quality of community life. Its services and programs include advocacy, information and referral, peer support/mentoring, independent living skills training and specialty services such as housing, equipment and loan closings. The Independent Living Program offers services funded under ACCES-VR and RSA which served 817 consumers for independent living services, 1,514 for information and referral services, and 507 through the loan closet.
Total revenues
Total expenses
Total assets
Num. employees

Program areas at Regional Center For Independent Living

Independent Living Program: Currently RCIL has one full-time staff assigned to benefits advisement. On a monthly basis the program generally serves thirty individuals and generally two to five of whom are served under the ACCES-VR Core Rehabilitation Services fee for service arrangement. This program is funded through grant contributions totaling $723,660. A portion of the program's grants cover general and administrative expenses directly associated with this program.
ACCES-VR: Benefits advisement is a core service as noted in the ACL and ACCES-VR State program description sheet. Individuals who have a disability are eligible for services. Additionally, some benefits advisement is done as a fee for service through the local ACCES-VR for consumers served by ACCES-VR. ACCES-VR determines if individuals are eligible to be referred to RCIL under the fee for service contract and makes a referral to RCIL's Benefits Department. Once individuals are referred the RCIL IL intake forms including an Eligibility Determination form with the eligibility criteria is used to ensure the individuals we serve are also eligible for our services. Continued on Schedule O. This program is partially funded through grant contributions totaling $122,965.
RCIL's TRAID ProgramDevice demonstrations - RCIL currently has on display a number of information technologies for which demonstrations and trials are performed in the office. These technologies have been utilized by individuals who wish to evaluate whether the technologies work for them. They have been used by teachers who wish to learn more about the technologies, and they have been used to read emails, correspondence, etc., when the individual has been unsuccessful in acquiring such technologies. Small technologies are regularly included in fairs, trainings, and other outreach activities. Continued on Schedule O.Lastly, the TRAID project periodically invites vendors of both new and lesser known technologies on-site for both our staff and consumers to learn more about. Device loans - RCIL currently has an inventory of various purchased or donated equipment available for loan. Loans are initially made for an eight-week period with possibilities of extensions. The equipment is both for adults and children, including items for Early Intervention aged children ages birth to three years old. One-to-one consultations: One-to-one consultations on technologies that TRAID staff are proficient with will be offered to both individuals and professionals upon request. While most one-to-one consultations will be performed at RCIL's TRAID office, in-home consultations may be arranged according to need and as staff resources permit. Information dissemination: The RCIL TRAID project will regularly disseminate information on new Assistive and Information Technologies to its network of employers, educational entities, and community groups. Eligibly is based on Justice Center guidelines. The individuals receiving equipment must have a disability. The information, consultations and training component of the grant can be for any individual that requests these services. This program is funded through grant contributions totaling $165,511. A portion of the program's grants cover general and administrative expenses directly associated with this program.
Various other programs for the benefit of people with disabilities.Other programs were partially funded through grant contributions totaling $117,627.

Personnel at Regional Center For Independent Living

Bruce DarlingPresident and Chief Executive Officer$0
Comptroller, Kevin FloodPresident and Chief Executive Officer, Bruce Darling
Roger StricklandDirector of It
Gregg BeratanDirector of Advocacy and Development
Staci KominiarekDirector of Program Development and Quality Improvement
...and 10 more key personnel

Financials for Regional Center For Independent Living

RevenuesFYE 09/2023
Total grants, contributions, etc.$1,108,298
Program services$13,590
Investment income and dividends$7,874
Tax-exempt bond proceeds$0
Royalty revenue$0
Net rental income$0
Net gain from sale of non-inventory assets$0
Net income from fundraising events$0
Net income from gaming activities$0
Net income from sales of inventory$0
Miscellaneous revenues$0
Total revenues$1,129,762

Form 990s for Regional Center For Independent Living

Fiscal year endingDate received by IRSFormPDF link
2023-092024-05-14990View PDF
2022-092023-09-11990View PDF
2021-092022-08-04990View PDF
2020-092021-09-03990View PDF
2019-092020-10-23990View PDF
...and 9 more Form 990s

Organizations like Regional Center For Independent Living

New Horizons Service DogsOrange City, FL$586,860
Paws4peopleWilmington, NC$2,149,561
California Community Land Trust NetworkBerkeley, CA$349,356
The Tri-State Resource and Advocacy CorporationChattanooga, TN$343,171
RideconnectAnn Arbor, MI$339,725
Chinatown Community Land TrustBoston, MA$581,378
Otr AdoptCincinnati, OH$357,794
Central Coast Center for Independed LivingSalinas, CA$5,208,857
Ujamaa PlaceSaint Paul, MN$3,000,341
Vermont Center for Independent LivingMontpelier, VT$3,322,380
Data update history
November 29, 2023
Posted financials
Added Form 990 for fiscal year 2022
November 25, 2023
Posted financials
Added Form 990 for fiscal year 2021
May 17, 2023
Updated personnel
Identified 2 new personnel
August 30, 2022
Updated personnel
Identified 1 new personnel
March 30, 2022
Posted financials
Added Form 990 for fiscal year 2020
Nonprofit Types
Social advocacy organizationsHuman service organizationsCharities
Human servicesHousing
Political advocacyReceives government fundingTax deductible donationsAccepts online donations
General information
497 State St
Rochester, NY 14608
Metro area
Rochester, NY
Monroe County, NY
Website URL
(585) 442-6470
IRS details
Fiscal year end
Taxreturn type
Form 990
Year formed
Eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions (Pub 78)
NTEE code, primary
P80: Services to Promote the Independence of Specific Population Groups
NAICS code, primary
813312: Environment, Conservation, and Wildlife Organizations
Parent/child status
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