Program areas at Regional Task Force on the Homeless
Regional Task Force on the Homeless, Inc. (RTFH) dba Regional Task Force on Homelessness (as of July 2021) was incorporated on June 17, 2004 as a non-profit public benefit corporation. Our VisionRTFH is the homeless policy expert and lead coordinator for the introduction of new models in the San Diego region and implementation of best practices. Collaboration in the region and utilizing data are key ways to end homelessness, and we continue to expand the network of those who are touched by homelessness to improve lives.RTFH is the San Diego Continuum of Care (CoC), designated by The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The CoC Program is designed to promote communitywide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness; provide funding for efforts by nonprofit providers, and State and local governments to quickly rehouse homeless individuals and families while minimizing the trauma and dislocation caused to homeless individuals, families and communities by homelessness; promote access to and affect utilization of mainstream programs by homeless individuals and families; and optimize self-sufficiency among individuals and families experiencing homelessness. RTFH has an 11-member Board of Directors to focus on the non-profit and a 31-member CoC Board that includes a diverse group of stakeholders: elected officials (Federal, state, and local), government agencies including the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, County of San Diego, and cities homeless services providers, faith-based organizations, law enforcement, healthcare partners, the education sector, philanthropy, business partners, persons with lived experience, advocates, and others.RTFH became a direct funder in 2018, receiving $18M in one-time state funding. RTFH entered into more than 25 sub-recipient agreements and successfully expended the full award by the grant deadline. RTFH also received $8M from HUD, entering into agreements with 8 sub-recipients, and 18 separate project agreements. RTFH successfully administered over $26M in YHDP and HEAP funds, serving more than 8,000 people including 805 youth. RTFHs revenue increased by $13.4M (from $2.1M to $15.5M) resulting in an increase of more than 6 times the funding received in 16/17. Since gaining 501(c)(3) status, RTFH has expanded its capacity and flexibility. With active leadership from its Board and its CEO, RTFH is seen as providing a constructive, apolitical voice, while adroitly managing relationships with elected officials. Other organizations in the region rely on RTFH for expertise in the field regarding securing of funding. In tactical operations, it is highly sought-after by other Continuums of Care (CoCs) for advice on HMIS; its active enlistment of Outreach Staff has led to improvements in the Point in Time (PIT) Count; and initiatives for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). RTFH has established itself as a leader among its peers. RTFH has received national recognition, hosting its first annual Conference on Homelessness in November 2022.Regional Vision to end homelessness in San DiegoWe will end homelessness throughout San Diego using a housing-focused, equity driven, and person-centered approach.