Program areas at RF
Reliability Assurance and Compliance Monitoring - The Reliability Assurance and Compliance Monitoring Program identified risks impacting entities, evaluated the effectiveness of entities' internal controls around specific Reliability Standards and Requirements, evaluated entities' capabilities in key management practice areas, tailored training centered on the needs of entities, and monitored compliance to the NERC Reliability Standards.
Assessment - The Assessment Program analyzed, assessed, and reported on the reliability and adequacy of the Bulk Electric System within the ReliabilityFirst footprint. Staff helped identify and assess risks across the footprint and its deliverables were a major contributor to the risk based efforts of the entire organization. This work included the performance of resource and transmission assessment studies; special analyses and investigations as warranted; and the collection and dissemination of data, lessons learned, and other information.
Enforcement - The Enforcement Program enforced compliance with Reliability Standards. Staff ensured that the selected disposition method for any noncompliance was consistent with the risk posed by the noncompliance, was adequately supported by the record, and promoted desired entity behaviors to enhance reliability.
Situational Awareness - The Situational Awareness Program monitored conditions and emerging threats to the Bulk Electric System and performed event analysis for system disturbances and events by working with entities to identify and analyze the root causes of system events.
Training and Education - The Training and Education Program focused on providing relevant training on risk identification, mitigation, and prevention to entities operating in the ReliabilityFirst footprint.