Program areas at AWWI
Research program management: rewi's research program is designed to answer key questions to inform policy with sound science and facilitate permitting processes as it relates to Wildlife for utility-scale wind and solar Energy infrastructure. The program is informed by key research priorities outlined in discussions with industry, state and federal agencies, and conservation/science organizations, and rewi's work is multiplied through collaborations with over 100 scientists around the world. Rewi's research hub serves as a central location for available information on Renewable Energy and Wildlife including publications, websites, datasets, programs, and organizations. The hub improves accessibility of information and is instrumental in identifying at-risk species and informing research priorities. The hub also includes rewi's technology catalog, a library of existing and developing technologies with applications for monitoring and minimizing Wildlife conflicts at Renewable Energy facilities.
Wind research projects: rewi oversees and participates in many wind-wildlife focused research projects focused on the evaluation of technologies and strategies to detect, deter, and/or curtail to reduce risk for birds and bats. Through the american wind Wildlife information center (awwic), rewi collects and analyzes existing data to inform widespread understanding of wind's risks to Wildlife and reduce uncertainty.
Outreach, engagement, and communications: rewi's outreach, engagement, and communications work facilitates the essential collaboration that underpins all that rewi does and helps ensure our science has real world impacts. Rewi collaborates with stakeholders and experts through webinars, state and regional workshops & trainings, and national meetings to ensure decision-makers have access to the latest science on Renewable Energy and Wildlife. Rewi also facilitates interactions with stakeholder audiences as well as the engaged public and media across multiple communications channels including email and social media to further the reach of our work.
Solar research projects: rewi's solar-wildlife research projects are focused on evaluating interactions between large-scale pv solar facilities and Wildlife by considering solar Energy developments as ecosystems within the larger landscape. Through the design of the new solsource database - a data-sharing infrastructure that will adapt to the emerging needs of solar Energy and natural resource stakeholders, rewi is creating a community resource of solar-related information.