Program areas at Resilient Georgia
Resilient Georgia's largest program by far is our regional coalitions that we help foster, grow, manage and co-create in partnership with regional stakeholders. All 16 Resilient Georgia regional grantee coalitions are deeply engaged in their work to prevent and heal childhood adversity, provide an emphasis on trauma-informed awareness and care, and promote resilience with the children and their families in their communities. Resilient Georgia helps each coalition identify appropriate prevention activities and then provides technical assistance so they can effectively implement. We also provide many different levels of learning and communication for them including weekly resource memos, monthly update calls and a learning collaborative environment, lunch and learns. In 2022 these 16regional coalitions that cover 120 counties across the state have bolstered their work to create bold, systemic, sustainable change in consistent ways across statewide issues, to affect policy, systems and environmental (pse) change. Coalitions have also incorporated a justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (jedi) lens in their action plans.
Over 2022 Resilient Georgia has provided staff time, expertise, and coordination efforts to the behavioral health reform and innovation commission (bhric). This work has included identifying subject matter experts to testify to the commission, help draft recommendations, coordination of meetings and presentations, and assisting in any bhric related work.
Research to compile, synthesize and communicate data regarding efforts addressing adverse childhood experiences(aces)and trauma-informed care (tic) in Georgia and nationwide. This research is ongoing and is to help identify behavioral health and prevention gaps in Georgia that can be shared with our partners to develop strategies to fill these gaps. In addition, research has been done to better understand the cost of behavioral health care in Georgia. Additionally, our trauma informed training programming had a big impact in 2022. We worked with two state agencies and many partners to deploy the community resource model (crm) and mindful self compassion (msc). Throughout the year our team and contractors traveled across the state to train educators, community leaders, clinicians, and health professionals among others.
Conference sponsorships paid by Resilient Georgia promoting behavioral health.