Program areas at Resolve
Resolve philly's purpose is to develop and advance journalism rooted in equity, collaboration, and the elevation of community voices and solutions, which the corporation achieves by undertaking the following activities: building, managing, and executing short-term and long-term collaborative reporting projects, developing narrative resources and digital tools for newsrooms, publishing newsletters, community engagement events, and research and evaluation of newsroom and community impact.
Equally informed - works to bridge the information divide, reducing barriers for vulnerable residents who need trustworthy information to live and thrive in philly. Equally informed also invest deeply in underestimated voices and community storytellers. Equally informed provides a community-driven print newsletter and the equal info line, a free bi-lingual (english and spanish) question and answer texting service that also provides vetted local news and resources to subscribers.
Shake the table - empowers communities to hold their elected city officials accountable by demystifying city government processes and operating departments. With civic engagement and government accountability at the core of its approach, Resolve launched stt in april 2022 as a six-year reporting and community engagement project that provides clear mechanisms and new channels for residents to actively engage with city government. Through this work, Resolve equips philadelphians with the skills needed to understand and interrogate the larger systems that typically thwart resident-driven and long-term approaches to solving a community's most urgent challenges. A core part of stt is documenters, through which Resolve recruits, trains, and pays philadelphia-area residents to attend municipal government meetings or hearings and take notes, building a new public record of our city's government.