Program areas at Respiratory Health Association
Lung Health programs: reduce the burden of and disparities in chronic disease (especially asthma, lung cancer, and copd).use Health educators and other trained staff/volunteers to educate students, patients, caregivers and communities about how they can address best manage their conditions. Programs and projects include: (a) asthma: (fight asthma now(c) (for youth/teens, development of virtual fight asthma now (c), asthma management education for caregivers, and programs to provide all Illinois schools with emergency asthma rescue medications; (b) copd initiative, which includes the development and provision of digital and hard-copy educational information for copd patients and their informal caregivers, the development of tools to support in-home pulmonary rehabilitation, and research on the impact of our copd caregiver's toolkit on the well-being of caregivers; and (c) other activities, including radon awareness education, and covid-19 education. We delivered asthma management education to nearly 300 students with asthma and 1,500 adult caregivers of children with asthma.
Tobacco control: reduce smoking rates and exposure to secondhand smoke, and prevent youth from using tobacco products, including electronic cigarettes. Provide adult cessation services in collaboration with several community-based partners, as well as the city of chicago, local Health departments, and Health care providers across the united states. Provide training on its courage to quit(r) smoking cessation curriculum to staff from community-based organizations who in turn offer the program to their clients. Provide counsel to quit(r) to help Health care providers to speak to their patients about quitting smoking and link them to cessation resources. Deliver training to students on the risks and Health impacts of vaping. Vaping education for school staff also includes a component on recognizing electronic cigarettes, designed to be hidden from with Health departments and other community stakeholders to promote policies that limit youth access to cigarettes and electronic cigarettes.
Environmental Health: promote policies that improve indoor and outdoor air quality, mitigate factors contributing to climate change, and raise awareness about how air pollution affects lung health.advocate the elimination of diesel vehicles and the broader adoption of electric cars and trucks. Support educational/awareness activities to limit emissions from diesel vehicles and equipment, and otherwise promote efforts to ensure clean air. Work to limit pollution by fossil fuel-fired power plants throughout Illinois; reduce air pollution from transit vehicles, including diesel buses and locomotives; and implement community-based awareness activities to inform local residents about risks to their lung Health. Work with state and federal lawmakers to gain support to limit toxic materials, protect and strengthen existing renewable energy and energy efficiency programs, defend clean air act standards and programs, and support strategies to address global warming and clean energy.
Research: advance the understanding and treatment of lung diseases by supporting and participating in scientifically meritorious research areas include asthma, lung cancer, copd, and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. We aim to fund the most promising research and strive to foster greater collaboration among researchers and among organizations that support lung disease research. Through the development of partnerships with other research organizations, Respiratory Health Association is able to maximize research awards and make every dollar raised go further.research funded by Respiratory Health Association supports early career researchers in efforts to better understand lung disease. Past research projects have included efforts at university of chicago, university of Illinois at chicago, rush university medical center and northwestern university. Respiratory Health Association also engages stakeholders in citywide research projects and serves as an advisor on research projects to improve outcomes for people living with lung disease.