Program areas at Restavek Freedom Foundation
Since our inception in 2007, child advocacy continues to be the heartbeat of the work of Restavek Freedom Foundation. Currently the organization partners with 68 schools in the west and south departments to provide tuition, books and uniforms for more than 1,600 children. 35 child advocates each case manage an average portfolio of 60 children providing encouragement and ongoing support through a trusting relationship. Advocates meet with children at school and monitor their academic progress and meet with children at home to monitor their protection and treatment in their home environment. Each advocate oversees academic, health, psychological and social development and home life of each child. The organization maintains an extensive secure database of case files and each child's pertinent information to monitor progress. Restavek Freedom also works to reunite children with their biological families when possible, while continuing to pay for school. Additionally, the organization operates a transitional home for girls who were living in the worst cases of abuse. 13 girls lived in this home during 2022, receiving educations support, medcial care, psychosocial therapy, love and support. Restavek Freedom hosts boys and girls clubs to engage the youth in their advocacy program on various topics helpful to their growth and development and to give them a safe space with their peers to discuss their particular challenges. Accelerated programs for students in first though sixth grades are offered to students who are more than one year behind in their academic progress which enables them to pass two academic grades in one year.
Rural community programs are an increasing focus as the organization continues to spread its reach. The community center continues to function in the southern region of haiti, offering classes to parents, activites such as reproductive health programs, a four-year english education program, professional training, vocational training in electrical, plumbing and construction trades. Teachers take their literacy training programs into mountainous communities where residents live in more remote areas. The center hosts summer camps for more than 500 children and leadership classes for youth. The center provides jobs for more than 40 people directly. Rf opened 6 new regional hubs, now operating in 5 departments of haiti. Each hub offers similar programs as the port salut learning center and together serve more than 700 adults and children. Multiple summer camps are offered in each location, in total hosting more than 1800 program and local children in 2022. In 2022 rf provided more than 190 fruit bearing trees to community members, churches and schools throughout the port salut region working to build an agroforestry and gardening program that will create food sustainability for families in the community.
Rf justice training is hosted throughout haiti utilizing the expertise of 6 local trainers in 20 communities, engaging more than 850 participants in 2022. The training is designed to influence communities toward ending the destructive practice. The six-week program re-examines the culturally entrenched exploitation of children in Restavek. Participants confront harmful traditions and design local alternatives that protect children. The training introduces the haitian laws that protect children and create child protection committees that work in various communities to raise awareness of the situation of children as well as act as child protectors in their communities, bringing to the attention of authorities and rf advocates situations of abuse.
The organization has become a leading voice for children in Restavek with haitian leaders, international media outlets, and u.s. based organizations. In 2022 services were expanded into the central plateau with more learning centers.