Program areas at Returning Veterans Project
NETWORK PROGRAMSOur Network of Board-Certified Volunteer Healthcare Practicioners provides confidential, free services to Veterans and their families. Providers include Mental Health Professionals, Acupuncturists, Naturopaths, Chiropractors, Massage Therapists, and other complementary Health Care Practitioners. In addition to the amount of program costs of $100,697 there is an additional amount of $298,028 of In-kind donated services which are not included under IRS Form 990 guidelines. The total amount of Network Program costs including In-Kind is $398,725 which is recognized in our audited financial statements. Please refer to our audited financial statements.
TRAINING PROGRAMSWork to educate the community through speaking engagements to raise awareness of the challenges experienced by returning veterans and their families. These programs also offer continuing education workshops to further train their volunteer health care providers.
OUTREACH PROGRAMSServe as an information source for veterans and their families, professional providers, and military and community-based organizations. Outreach activities include distributing brochures, information and referral services, media interviews, and task force and panel participation.