Program areas at Rising Ground
Children and family and services include residential treatment center (rtc), foster boarding home (fbh), multi-dimentional treatment foster care (mtfc), mother/infant residences (m/i), preventive services programs, medical and mental health services, and unaccompanied migrant children (umc) program. The rtc program provides 24-hour residential care to youth ages 12-21. The fbh program serves children who have experienced abuse and neglect. Our evidenced-based mtfc serves teens in foster care. The m/i program in the bronx serves teen mothers along with their young children. The preventive services programs strengthen and preserve families and keep children safe by preventing child abuse and neglect. Health services provides primary medical care and referrals for children and youth on. Unaccompanied migrant children (umc) program serves undocumented migrant children who have come into the united states from other countries without an adult guardian while they are reunified with their families in the u.s. our parent child home is an evidenced-informed, early childhood home-visiting program which focuses on developing pre-literacy skills to promote school readiness and promoting positive parenting skills. Our care coordination program enables Rising Ground to serve as a downstream care management agency (cma) providing comprehensive care management services to children and adults who meet necessary criteria.
Juvenile justice - our juvenile justice services include secure and non-secure placement programs for court-involved youth, all of which are based on the belief that young people with histories of delinquency need support, education and other tools to return safely and successfully to their communities and break the cycle of delinquency. Our limited secure placement (lsp) is a residential program serving adjudicated youth ages 14 to 18, on occasion, an older or younger youth may be served. We ensure that youth are able to develop their academic, pre-vocational and communications skills through various aspects of the program and work with family members to maintain and strengthen the youth's connection to his or her family and community. Our non-secure placement program is also part of the residential care continuum for adjudicated juvenile delincuents in new york city ages 12 to 14. The nationallym is community-oriented and family-focused, using the nationally recognized Missouri model, a treatment method that involves grouping youth into small cohorts of 10-12 with whom they live, attend school, participate in recreational activities and receive counseling. The family respite program serves youth ages 7 to 17 who are at risk of contact with the juvenile justice system by providing respite services for up to 21 days. The program staff also refers families to appropriate community based services for sustained assistance. The juvenile justice initiative and aftercare program expands our implementation of the functional family therapy evidenced-based model in the juvenile justice field.
Developmental disabilities - our intellectual/developmental disabilities services include community based programs such as community residences and supported apartments, prevocational services, and medicaid service coordination for both children and adults. Our supportive clinical practices address the associated emotional, behavioral and psychological issues/disorders in order to assist our consumers to live more fulfilling lives.