Program areas at Riverside Park Conservancy
Field operations and volunteers:these programs include maintenance and restoration work performed in the Park, either by paid staff, our volunteers, or outside contractors. They can include horticultural restoration and care, ballfield care, tennis court maintenance, painting, and small repairs, e.g., by electricians, plumbers, masons, or others hired by the Conservancy. Field operations also includes the purchase of vehicles and equipment to support this work.
Design and construction:this refers to capital improvements in the Park. For 2023 these included reconstruction of the step ramp at 116th street, reconstruction and installation of pickleball courts at 110th st, installation of a drinking fountain, picnic tables and fencing at the 110th st pickleball courts, bioswale construction at the 91st vale to address erosion and runoff, paving, landscape restoration and installation of compost center at 96th st compound. Generally, these are payments to outside contractors but may also include associated costs such as printing and copying, design drawings, signage, permit fees, and related postage.
Public programs & events:these programs offered to general public, either free or for a fee. Free events may include concerts, yoga outdoor movies, children's programs, and large events such as the westside county fair, irish arts festival, little red lighthouse festival, and the holiday tree lighting. Events for a fee may include activities such as tennis lessons and sports camp.