Program areas at Robert F Kennedy Human Rights
International advocacy & litigation (formerly partners for Human Rights): the Robert F. Kennedy partners for Human Rights (rfk phr) is the organization's advocacy and litigation arm. Rfk phr leverages professional Human Rights staff, board and leadership council, and their networks to advocate for the change sought by the organization's partner activists on the ground; these include holding governments accountable and changing policies and actions of governments, intergovernmental organizations, and corporations to build a more just and peaceful world. Rfk phr uses cutting edge methods and innovative tools including litigation, advocacy, capacity-building, data collection, and documenting and reporting abuses, as well as launching awareness and education campaigns aimed at achieving social Justice goals. The partnership model represents an effective, sustainable method for supporting Human Rights. Our program works both domestically and abroad. Our domestic work aims at using public policy change, advocacy, and innovative techniques to put lasting legal change in place for complex societal issues. Our domestic work has been aimed at reducing the population of individuals' incarcerated pre-trial. Through campaigns, advocacy, and strategic litigation we help decrease the systemic reliance on money bail and positively impact the criminalization of poverty in the united states.
The communication department produces organizational literature such as brochures, reports, information kits, etc. for the organization in general, and for specific programs in particular that can be used for outreach to new and existing constituencies, development purposes, and media outreach and education.
Rfk compass program: rfk compass program hosts annual conferences designed to help investment officers and trustees of public and corporate pension funds, endowments, sovereign wealth funds and notable family offices to fulfill their fidiciary duties and meet the challenges of investing today. The program was launched in 2010 to bring together these investment professionals to discuss the evolving role of long-term asset ownership and ways to deliver superior risk-adjusted returns with considerations for Human and labor Rights, corporate governance, and environmental and societal responsiblity as crucial elements of investment management. Rfk compass distinguishes itself from other investment conferences by hosting invitation-only, media free gatherings that allow for direct engagement with peers, top managers, policy makers and thought leaders.
Speak truth to power(sttp): at rkfhr, we understand the imminent need to provide transformative and systematic Human Rights education to prevent violations from occurring. Aligned with the principles of the declaration of Human Rights education and training, speak truth to power (sttp), is: 1) about Human Rights, which includes providing knowledge of the Human Rights framework and the mechanisms for its protection; 2) through Human Rights, which includes learning and teaching in a way that respects the Rights of educators and students; and 3) for Human Rights, which includes empowering students to recognize and protect their Rights and those of others. Under this framework and through storytelling, sttp constructs a world in which Human Rights education is ingrained into the fabric of all educators' pedagogy, and where young people have the effective mindsets, attitudes, and behaviors to defend and advance Human Rights as the next generation of Human Rights defenders. Sttp seeks educational partners such as teachers organizations and unions, school districts, foundations and education officials to bring the educator training and educational resources to more students. It is continually expanding its reach in the us and abroad. Current domestic programming occurs in new york city, Washington d.c., philadelphia, Connecticut, memphis, san diego, indianapolis, los angeles, austin, and chicago. Our current global work includes spain, uk, switzerland, greece, italy, sweden, denmark, sarajevo, and mexico.
Book and journalism awards: the book and journalism awards honor authors and journalists for excellence in reporting and writing on issues of concern to Robert Kennedy - Human Rights, social Justice, civil Rights, those who are making a difference.
Rfk legacy program's purpose is to educate new audiences about Robert Kennedy's life and work, focusing on the effect of his work and how his efforts and beliefs relate to todays issues, using an online curriculum, the new website, a photo archive and a travelingeducational exhibit. It is primarily an educational initiative to inspire new generations to act and to make a difference.
Rfk europe, located in italy, works with the organization advising on its Human Rights initiative. Bringing sttp to italian and other european classrooms and collaborating on advocacy and curriculum projects.
Rfk young leaders: young people at the margins and those who hold intersectional identities are disproportionately absent from leadership roles, community dialogues, and citical decision making positions in communities across our country. We believe that in order to build amore just and peaceful world, the next generation of leaders must be inclusive, and reflect the diverse identities that exist throughout all corners of our nation. The rfk young leaders program focuses on partnering with young adults in college by mobilizing them to takeaction on issues affecting their communities, building their individual leadership skills, and expanding their collective access to professionals and political networks.
Workplace dignity initiative: workplace dignity initiative connects Robert F. Kennedy's legacy of Human Rights advocacy to issues in the workplace, offering actionable strategies and tools for organizations and their leaders, amplifying the voices of workplace-dignity champions, and supporting dignity-advancing legislation.
Rfk united kingdom: rfk united kingdom exists to inspire and empower people to make decisions and take actions that will help make Human Rights a reality for all - to become ripples of hope in their communities and across the world. We believe that Human Rights are not simply ideals or beliefs to be held-they are a guide for everyday decision making, until they become reality for all.