Program areas at Robin Hood Foundation / Tudor Charitable TR
See description of grant making in schedule o.grant making: Robin Hood made grants to organizations through four life-stage areas: early childhood; school-age children; young adults; and adults and household supports. These grants support education, health, housing, hunger, legal services, job training, and income security. Additionally, Robin Hood made grants to support partnership initiatives like the Robin Hood learning +technology, the power fund, mobility labs, the child care quality innovation initiative, and our blue ridge labs initiative. Robin Hood's capital grant initiative collaborates closely with our community partners to help these organizations manage their space needs. The initiative offers technical assistance, connections to top industry professionals, funding for pre-development costs and, in select cases, grants for capital projects. The initiative places a premium on funding early-stage planning to reduce costs and risks for a community partner's capital project. Robin Hood's grantmaking staff evaluated programs applying for funds to determine grant recommendations and develop initiatives in response to unmet needs. These assessments included visits to the organization, interviews with program administrators, staff and participants, evaluation of historical results, and financial review.
See description of management acceleration in schedule o.robin Hood's management acceleration team collaborates with our grantees on key decisions and helps them build their networks, develop skills, fund capacity-building projects, and scale effective, sustainable programs. Our support is offered through strategic consulting and grants, communities of practice and convenings, leadership development, and our board matching program.