Program areas at Rock River Center
General fund - provides resources, activities and services to older adults throughout ogle county.
Title xx donated funds initiative - provide handicapped accessible transportation services to persons age 60 and older.
Older americans act title iii-b - transportation, outreach, information and referal to senior citizens. 1. Information services are provided for senior citizens, caregivers, the disabled and the disadvantaged throughout ogle county. Rock River Center, Inc. caseworers meeet with clients in the Oregon office, at seven sites throughout the county and in homes of those unable to leave their homes, providing clients with resources, advocacy, and assistance completing applications. Assistance is provided with the following resources and benefit: emergency response systems; department of human services/medicaid/link card/sposal impoverishment, qmb, slmb; medicare prescription drug program, enrollment and counseling; social security applications; home delivered meals; housing, applications and redeterminations; homestead exemption; veteran's assistance (also a site for the state of Illinois veteran's administration; state of Illinois baa; energy assistance, cooling Center; caregiver resources and other services. Funding for information services is provided, in part, through the northwestern Illinois area agency on aging title iii-b and title iii-e of the older americans act, the state of Illinois and united way. 2. Rock River Center, Inc., provides transporation within and outside of ogle county, with many riders seeking transporation to major medical facilities located in rockford, sterling and dekalb, all outside of ogle county. Rock River center,inc. Operates 4 lift equiped vehicles, provided by the Illinois department of transportation. Senior citizens and those with disabilities ride on a donation basis. Fees are assessed on all others, but no one is denied based on inability to pay. 3. Recreation and educational services: the Rock River Center, Inc. Provides a variety of recreational and educational acitivies, designed to engage those age 60 and older. Educational classes include computer, wood carving, craft, nutrition and others depending on the interest. The Center hosts monthly birthday and holiday events, such as a holiday breakfast. Recreational activities include biweekly line dancing, one day and extended trips,pool tournaments, lawn games, monthly potlucks, dominos,card playing, and of course bingo. Intergenerational activities are planned to be educational, as well as recreational.
Title iii-e - provide caregiver information and assistance. Expenses: 46,015. Revenue: 37,433. Shap fund - provide health related services for persons age 60 and over. Expenses: 8,614. Revenue: 8,746. Mippa - medicare improvements for patients and providers.provide information and assistance services, conductoutreach and educational activities and councelmedicare beneficiaries about medicare part d and other prescription benefit programs. Expenses: 1,286. Revenue: 3,297. Lee ogle county transportation service (lots) provides transportation services to those in need. Funding is provided in whole or in part by the Illinois department of transportation, office of intermodal project implementation. County of lee fiscal/administrative agent. Expenses: 21,225. Revenue: 59,580. Vac5 - expanding access to covid19 vaccines via the aging network. Expenses: 2,562. Revneue: 14,624.