Program areas at RAC
Archival program - the Rockefeller Archive Center is an independent operating foundation that preserves and makes available for research the archival collections of members of the Rockefeller family, institutions and organizations founded by Rockefeller family members (including the Rockefeller foundation, Rockefeller brothers fund, winthrop Rockefeller foundation, general education board, Rockefeller university, population council, asia society, and many other organizations) and the records of other philanthropic and service organizations such as the ford foundation, the commonwealth fund, russell sage foundation, w.t. Grant foundation, markle foundation, the social science research council and the foundation Center. The Center also holds extensive collections of the personal papers of trustees, officers, faculty and associates who were affiliated with these institutions.
Research & education - the research and education department oversees many of the external programs of the Rockefeller Archive Center. It administers a competitive program that awards 40 to 50 travel reimbursement each year to graduate students, faculty members, and independent scholars. It organizes and hosts several workshops and conferences each year. Staff members on the research and education team edit and publish a series of research reports describing scholarly work at the rac, a publishing program that is now primarily electronic and web-based.
Copy service for researchers who use the facility as documents cannot leave the Archive Center. This aids in their ability to document their research.