Program areas at The Rockefeller Foundation
The bellagio center had operating expenses of $6,099,113. Since 1959, The center has served as a resource for fostering dialogue and collaborative problems solving for diverse participants around The world. The center hosts convenings that focus on topics of international importance, with preference given to convenings that align with The Foundation's areas of interest. In 2023, The bellagio center hosted 48 convenings and 114 residents with a total annual headcount of 1,117 participants across both programs. Of these participants 40% were from The united states, and 60% were from countries outside of The united states.
Rf catalytic capital (rfcc) is an organization affiliated with The Rockefeller Foundation (rf) and involved in scaling new and expanded partnerships with a focus on improving The lives of vulnerable people around The world. Across our core areas of focus, The Foundation provides technical assistance directly through rfcc to grantees and program recipients. This includes core infrastructure, program design, program implementation and capacity building support, for The incubated initiatives, ensuring significant involvement of The Foundation in these programs.
Smart power for rural development india Foundation (spi) is to provide technical assistance to developers and help expand The field of offgrid renewable energy to rural villages in india. In 2019, a specific focus was on The tata power transaction wherein rf, spi and tata have partnered to roll out a pilot mini-grid project of 300 villages which we hope to scale up to 10,000 villages in 10 years. Providing The technical assistance for free on The site selections, demand/customer acquisition and plant design. Tata would provide operation, management, procurement, and creditors to The project. Rf is providing The funding for its subsidiary, spi, and will provide concessional equity capital after The pilot phase is completed and successful.
See part ix-b and statements 25 & 26