Program areas at Room in the Inn - Memphis
Three programs shelter and feed individuals, families, and the medically fragile experiencing homelessness while assisting with their journey toward housing in Memphis, Tennessee. Volunteers gave over 25,000 hours to shelter, feed, transport, and provide hospitality to guests experiencing homelessness. Support from private donations, businesses and corporations, private and corporate foundations, and government grants made it possible to operate three programs: 1) emergency shelter during the winter for street-level individuals, 2) year-round emergency shelter for families, and 3) respite care for medically fragile individuals. During the fiscal year, a person rested in a safe space of hospitality 21,723 times. 47 households moved into housing and 12 individuals gained new employment. Approximately 26,000 meals were served through the combined programs.Program Summaries: Congregational Shelter: A network of 32 diverse congregations opened their doors to provide food and shelter to people who are experiencing street-level homelessness from November through March each year and again May through September. 4,542 warm, safe beds were provided over 240 nights. Family Inn:Families experiencing homelessness live in the comfort of a private room with an en suite bathroom as they work toward permanent housing. During their stay families receive meals and supportive services. Educational and counseling programs for adults and children are available. 103 families including 275 children were welcomed during the year.Recuperative Care:Unsheltered individuals who are medically fragile and in need of a safe place to recover from illness stay in private rooms with three meals a day. The staff coordinates care with medical providers and assists with the guests' housing goals. Opportunities for occupational coaching and counseling as well as physical strengthening are part of the recovery process. 70 individuals came to the Recuperative Care Center for respite.Impact Data:Sheltered 1018 Individuals in 3 programs275 Children in 103 families 18,033 times a head rested on a pillow in a safe space of hospitality12 gained new employment47 households moved into housing70 Medically fragile guests rested, recovered, and secured needed resources 240 Nights of life-saving winter and summer shelter in host congregationsTotal volunteer hours over 24,000Approximately 25,000 meals servedHistory:Room in the Inn Memphis (RITI) began as an outreach project in the fall of 2009 at Colonial Cumberland Presbyterian Church. The congregation welcomed strangers into the warm, safe sanctuary of a building that was underused during the winter. Following three years of winter shelter by the first host congregation, an advisory committee was formed to discern the future direction of what was becoming a thriving program for those experiencing homelessness. The advisory committee recommended forming a permanent board of directors and applying for 501c3 status which was granted in 2013. RITI fulfills its mission through three programs. The first program is Congregational Shelter. During the coldest months of the year, November through March, a network of faith communities shelters small groups of individuals at their places of worship. The second and third programs, which are the Family Inn and Recuperative Care Center, began early in 2021. Both of these newer programs are housed in a 24/7 facility in Memphis Medical District. Family Inn shelters families experiencing homelessness referred by Memphis Inter-Faith Association (MIFA) and approved for MIFAs Rapid Rehousing Program. These families work with our Family Inn Director and Family Advocate as they go through the process of locating and moving into housing. The Recuperative Care Center shelters medically fragile individuals and offers case management to assist in a pathway to housing. More information about our programs can be found online at in the Inn Memphis is actively addressing the need for emergency and temporary shelter for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. During RITIs pandemic response, it became apparent there was a gap in both temporary shelter for families and case management services to assist families during the Rapid Rehousing process. After a successful pilot period, the Family Inn became a permanent program and moved to a new location with the capacity to shelter up to 14 families. Another service gap identified was a place of respite for individuals well enough to be discharged from the hospital but still in need of a safe place to rest and recuperate. The Recuperative Care Center became a permanent program and is located at the same facility as the Family Inn. The Recuperative Care Center has the capacity to shelter up to 14 individuals.