Program areas at Rooted Wi
Farm-program includes beginning farmer training, community supported agriculture, farm stand, and selling wholesale field crops, cut herbs, and sprouts to a small number of local grocery stores.
Badger rock neighborhood center-the badger rock neighborhood center (brnc) serves as a multi-generational neighborhood hub for socializing, learning, training, research, and healthy resilient living. The center offers monthly community dinners (average attendance 150 people; highest attendance 300 people) and provides space for community events, including serving as the neighborhood polling place (voter turnout above 90% in presidential elections), gatherings, and enriching programming for all ages. Brnc also offers gardening and culinary education to badger rock middle school students and families. Rooted Wi staff also operate an onsite educational farm, school gardens, a food forest, and manage 46 community garden plots.
Land and gardens-includes management of troy gardens and the gardens network. Troy gardens farm and gardens consists of 26 acres of open space land for community-based food production and natural areas restoration management. Programs are developed in order to fulfill the organization's goals of developing the land in a sustainable manner, improving food security for madison's northside residents, and providing educational programs on gardening, natural areas restoration, food preparation, nutrition, and environmental education. The gardens network is a collaborative partnership between Rooted Wi, dane county uw-extension, and the city of madison. The partnership fosters community gardening and greening in madison and dane county. It functions as a connector of resources for gardeners and garden leaders, organizations, municipalities, initiatives, and programs working on community food issues. Various other activities include offerings of workshops, courses, field trips, and tours; and the capital vegetable garden on madison's capital square.