Program areas at Ross County Community Action Commission
Head start and day care services - Ross County cac head start operates a federally funded comprehensive school readiness program for predominantly low-income children, ages 0-5, who meet eligibility guidelines and reside in Ross County.
Covid relief funds - the program provides assistance with payments on past due utility bills, rent and water for income eligible Ross County residents who have been financially, physically and or mentally affected by covid-19.
Community based services - in partnership with good samaritan food bank, we offer free delivery services in Ross County to senior citizens, persons with disabilities, or medically-compromised, at-risk residents. We also offer a homeless crisis response program which helps families experiencing homelessness quickly move out of shelter or off the streets.
Home energy assistance - emergency heap program is designed to assist low-income families who are facing emergency situations and have a 10-day supply of fuel or less, or a heating utility shut-off notice. This program is operated in conjunction with the state heap program.
Weatherization assistance - weatherization program assists low-income individuals to weatherize their homes to be more energy efficient and reduce heating costs.