Program areas at Rotary International - Petoskey Rotary Club
Youth Development Programs, General/Other: Awarded five academic scholarships to local high school seniors and four academic scholarships to local nursing students (9 awards).
Local Programming: Provide assistance with local High School STRIVE mentorship program.
Youth Development Programs, General/Other: Awarded financial support to 5 local high school students to recognize their actions in providing community service.
Elementary and Secondary Education, General/Other: Provided funding and recognition for teacher of the year to a local public school educator (1 award).
International Development Programs, General/Other: Provided funding for Bahamas hurricane disaster relief.
Community Service - Donated to CWS/Crop Walk to end hunger campaign
Local Development Programs, General/Other: Provide financial support for the Rotary Foundation Polio Plus campaign through John Scholten's ride across America
Local Developmental Programing, General/Other: Provided funding to Manna Food Bank for Covid-19 support (2 grants)
Youth Development Programs, General/Other: Provided funding for Petoskey Harbor Springs Community Foundation for Covid-19 Essential Needs Fund
Community Service - Provided funds to the Salvation Army Petoskey chapter for Emmet County Covid -19 emergency funding. (2 grants)
Local Programming: Provide assistance to Greenwood Cemetary in their Wreaths Across America project, designed to place a wreath on all veteran gravesites in the Cemetary (1 Award).
Local Development Programs, General/Other: Provided funding for Char-Em United Way Covid-19 emergency relief fund
Local Develoment, General/Other: Provided funding to Women's Resource Center for Emmet County Covid-19 relief fund
Local Development Award, General/Other: Provide financial support for Public Schools of Petoskey for student support ( 4 awards)
Youth Service - donated to Emmet County 4-H for scholarship for 1 youth to attend 2020 4-H Exploration Days event