Program areas at Rush Copley Medical Center
Rush Copley Medical Center ("rcmc") is the sole corporate member of Copley memorial hospital, inc. ("cmh"), Rush Copley Medical group, nfp ("rcmg"), Copley ventures, inc. ("cv"), and Rush Copley foundation ("rcf"). Rcmc is affiliated with Rush university Medical Center ("rumc"), an academic Medical Center in chicago, Illinois, for the purpose of creating a regional delivery system to improve the Medical, capital, and management resources available to cmh and rcmc in their market areas. Rcmc serves as a parent supporting organization for other organizations in the health system, helping to facilitate the provision of healthcare to the community. The purposes for which rcmc is organized are: 1. To establish, acquire, support, erect, maintain, control, own and equip healthcare providers and institutions, including, without limiting the foregoing, hospitals, nursing homes, skilled nursing facilities, intermediate care facilities and ambulatory care centers; to conduct, sponsor, support, promote, develop, own and operate charitable, educational, scientific and scholastic programs and activities; and other activities and programs ancillary to and in support of the foregoing; 2. To foster, promote, support, develop, encourage, maintain, receive and accept funds, gifts, and contributions for and on behalf of such activities; 3. To establish, conduct, sponsor, acquire, own, maintain and operate such other entities and activities which, in the opinion of the board of directors and at its discretion, will support the foregoing; 4. Exclusively for the benefit of and to carry out some or all of the purposes of organizations described in either section 509(a)(1) or 509(a)(2) of the internal revenue code of 1986, as amended, or any subsequent law of the united states. In no instance, however, will rcmc engage in the practice of medicine, psychiatry or psychology.