Program areas at Rye Youth Soccer Club
Travel team Soccer is open to boys and girls who live in the city of Rye or Rye brook and/or attend public or private school in Rye. The travel teams require a committment of 2 ten week seasons (fall and spring), no games columbus day, memorial day, or easter weekend, game each sunday, mandatory team practice on saturday and a mid-week pracitce with a professional coach. The format of the travel team is; up and u10 teams play a 7v7 format on a smaller field, u11 teams play a 9v9 format, u12 and older temas play 11v11 format on a regulation size field. Travel team Soccer is competitive team Soccer comprised of teams from communities in westchester, the bronx and manhattan. We are under the immediate jurisdiction of the westchester your Soccer leagaue and must follow their rules and guidelines. While the program is more competitive than our saturday intramural program, the up and u10 age groups are considered developmental. The primary focus of the program is to teach the game of Soccer grounding players in the skills, tactics and strategies of the game while fostering a love for the sport. We strive to teach children the sense of accomplishmnet that can be achieved through working together. Towards this end, we require a commitment from each child to work hard, come to scheduled practices and games, to support each other and to win or lose as a team. As there are often more potential players than there are team positions available, we ask that players who choose to participate on Rye Youth Soccer travel teams make it their primary sport during Soccer season. Empasizing teamwork and commitment serves a greater purpose than to teach abstract values. It is the most efficient weay to develop competitive teams. This is because Soccer is a team sport and because games are won by teams, not by collections of individuals. Just as importantly, it teaches that success can be acheived by hard work. It is not unusual that a college all-american started as a substitute player on a community team. Finally, the philosophy of emphasizing sportsmanship helps to teach children how to handle themselves in the most competitive of situations. Towards this end, we expect and insist that parents and other fans set good expamples of sportsmanship through positive reinforcement of players, coaches, and referees. Parental sideling conduct is strictly monitored by Rye Youth Soccer board members. The philosophy of the program ensures that every child who demonstrates a commitment to the team will play in every game. The amount of playing time will vary depending on the childs progress and the game situation. Depending on the size of the team, each child can expect to play a third of each game. Boys and girls are formed into teams based on gender and age. Ages are defined as being younger than an age by a specific date. This is a new rule enacted by us Soccer. We encourage children who are not selected to a travel team to play in our extended intramural program to continue building skills until such time as an opening occurs on a travel team. We are limited by our league to forming 4 teams per year in the u9 and u10 categories consisting of a maximum if 14 players each. We field an "a" team in each age group each year with exception of u9 teams which field 2 b+ and 2 b teams. All teams within an age group practice together as a unit. U9 teams will remain intact for the first 2 seasons. Thereafter, we encourage upward movement over downward movement. Players who move down will do so only after the spring season. Due to the developmental focus of the u9 and u10 program, it is imperative that players be selected to play at the appropriate level to maximize playing time, buidl skills and maximize enjoyment. Those wishing to play travel team are selected based on the following three principles; input from Rye Youth Soccer intramural coaches rating each player based on their impressions over the course of the imtramural season, tryout rating players individually on speed, ball conrol, kicking/shooting and one-on-one (judging offensive and defensive capabilities) on a scale of 1-5, tryout scrimmage rating players based on game situation. Coaches are selected by the executive board of Rye Youth Soccer with direct input from the director of Soccer and the director of intramurals. Intramural evaluations completed by parents are also utilized.
Soccer camps provide skill building for boys and girsl entering grades kindergarten through eight. There are two summer camp sessions held each year. Camp highlights; t shirts, award and daily snack for each camper, age and gender specific groups, innovative skills instruction from nationally licensed coaches, daily workl cup tournament play as well as juggling, power shooting and dribbling contests, awards and prizes.
Rye Youth Soccer offers an intramural program for children in kindergarten through fifth grade for boys and girls. The program runs on staturdays during the spring and fall seasons. Each saturdays program is divided into gender and grade categories, with each session lasting 75 minutes. Players receive 25 minutes of skill instruction followed by a game. Each team will play in a micro Soccer format using 4 players with substitutions every 4 minutes. Two teams will play on a lined field using a size 4 Soccer ball, supervised by a qualified referree. Players are required to wear shin guards and their official team colored shirt. Soccer cleats are recommended, but not required. Players i grades 3-5 play a more advanced world cup format on a larger field. Rys intramural temas are assembled by the clubs registrar. Each team is led by a parent head coach and employs parent assistant coaches. Each team will practice together on a field and will split into 2 groups to play an opposing team. The program concentrates on teaching skills and sportsmanship and is played in the micro Soccer format allowing for skills to be more rapidly developed. This prepares the children/players for the transition to the travel Soccer program when the time comes.