Program areas at Sacramento Loaves and Fishes
Food and guest services:dining room the dining room serves a hot nutritious lunch 364 days of the year. Volunteers comprised of individuals, church groups, students, and community based organizations are utilized on a daily basis. The meals contain the proper balance of nutrients. In 2023, guests were served 125,959 meals. The local food banks, vendors, and individuals contribute food on a regular basis to assist in feeding the homeless and hungry. In 2023, 110,000 lbs. Of food was donated. Other needed food not donated was purchased.friendship park friendship park provides daily activities, information, and a safe environment for our guests during the day. In 2023, 201,400 cups of coffee and 47,204 healthy nutritious breakfasts were served. Over 91,000 requests for dispensary items were filled, consisting of hygiene products, sleeping bags, warm coats, clothing, shoes, tarps, blankets and much more. The library provided a full service reading room that received 9,722 homeless guest visits for reading books and periodicals and/or studying and writing. 3 memorial services were held in friendship park for guests who died in 2023.mary house mary house is a hospitality program that provides daytime shelter for homeless women and children. Services were provided to 874 women, 3 single fathers, and 928 children and 13,381 requests for mail service. The dispensary provided 4,732 showers and filled 21,677 requests for supplies, i.e., diapers, personal hygiene items, 13 remembrance services were held for women that died in 2023.jail visitation - provides services to Sacramento county inmates including 519 visits, sending 619 letters to inmates and on behalf of inmates, providing 122 personal toiletry kits, sweatshirts and backpacks, and 245 bus passes to released martin's ministries -(bmm) a placement and orientation service that includes a complete weekly tour of the facilities for the public interested in volunteering at Loaves & Fishes. Bmm staffs personnel responsible for building and yard maintenance of Loaves & Fishes' properties to serve guests in a clean, well maintained environment.animal services - houses guests' pets during the day while guests use services. The kennels were utilized 993 times, 7 days per week in 2023.washhouse - provides shower and laundry services for men. In 2023, 19,564 showers & shaves taken and 2,355 loads of laundry were washed & dried.advocacy - advocates for housing and civil rights on behalf of the homeless.
Mental health services:genesis - administers a full service mental health clinic, which provided counseling and referral services to 2,624 guests.
Education services:mustard seed - provided instruction to 135 children (ages 3-15), 1,860 total attendance days, re-enrolled 45 homeless children into public schools, arranged 37 medical and dental visits, and provided christmas gifts for 1,400 children.
Residential services:sister nora's place - provides long-term overnight shelter, including meals and case management, for up to 16 chronically homeless women with mental health issues, provided 5,517 nights of shelter, showers and meals to 18 women.hope house - houses annual jesuit volunteers.