Program areas at SAVE
Housing programs: our domestic violence housing first program is housed at the empowerment center and provides services for survivors in need of assistance obtaining or maintaining Safe and stable housing. Dvhf services include direct rental assistance and move-in costs as well as financial help with a wide range of other needs clients have that affect their ability To stay housed - car repairs, utility bills, household furnishings and more. Our housing first case managers provide ongoing case management support as well as financial literacy and wellness workshops. Participants in the dvhf program are welcome and encouraged To use the full range of save services. The mariposa project, part of our dvhf program, is a transitional housing program which provides rent subsidy and supportive services To survivors who are in school or job training programs. In fy22/23, our dvhf program served 80 families.
Safe house: save's Safe house, located in a confidential location, continues To be a Safe haven for families fleeing abuse. Residents receive supportive services during their stay, designed To help them heal and move toward healthy, safer lives. Extensively trained case managers and advocates work closely with residents To support them through the immediate crisis and provide links To healthcare, employment opportunities, educational resources, parenting assistance, and much more. Our staff strives To meet both our clients' practical needs and To ensure that the environment we provide is culturally appropriate and sensitive To the trauma they've experienced. Save provided 7401 nights of shelter To 115 survivors and their 50 children this fiscal period.
Community prevention and outreach & youth services: these innovative services raised awareness about domestic violence and save programs. Our "loves me, loves me notsm" curriculum and other workshops were presented To 2685 youth at local junior high and high schools, churches, and youth groups To promote healthy dating and prevent intimate partner violence among youth. Save's youth empowerment group, team "#stronger than you thinksm," continue To raise awareness about healthy relationship dynamics and the realities of teen dating violence through community and campus-based engagement. On april 29, 2023, team styt implemented their 6th annual youth summit, symbiosis, an intersectional event for the community To celebrate youth activism and empower young folks To build healthy relationships. The event was attended by 101 youth.
Crisis response: our crisis response team is made up of trained staff and volunteers who provide emotional support, crisis intervention services and support, and vital information and referrals around the clock via our 24-hour crisis line and at our empowerment center. Our empowerment center (ec) has become a vital community resource for individuals experiencing domestic violence. Our advocates provide walk-in services which include crisis counseling, assistance securing shelter, emergency food and clothing, aid To secure a temporary restraining order and access To other resources. Clients are encouraged To utilize the advocates for ongoing case management services, designed To help them address and overcome issues which may be barriers escaping domestic violence. In fy 22/23, a total of 200 survivors in need walked in To the empowerment center To utilize the range of services available. The crisis response team also staff our 24-hour crisis line which is often the first step survivors take To get help. Our goal with every call is To ensure that survivors end the call feeling safer and with the knowledge that save is source of ongoing assistance. Our crisis hotline serves as a starting point for clients, with many seeking out additional save services. In fy 22/23 save responded To 2965 crisis calls.whether in person or through virtual means, we strive To be a welcoming, Safe place for any community member in need of our services. Crisis response staff and volunteers are able To provide services in virtually any language through a telephonic language line, ensuring that clients who speak a language other than english have full access To our services. Staff also receive ongoing training in working with populations that are particularly vulnerable and often have difficulty obtaining services - survivors living with a mental illness or other disability, lgbtq survivors and teen dating violence survivors. In fy 22/23, the crisis response team served a total of 829 survivors.clinical counseling services: psychotherapy services are provided To individuals, families, and groups who have been impacted by domestic violence. Save clinicians participated in our domestic violence counselor certification and received ongoing training and supervision To broaden their clinical skills. Treatment goals are tailored collaboratively with clients and families, and drop-in support groups were attended in great numbers. In fy 22/23 our interns provided counseling To 126 individuals and families; 101 survivors attended group counseling sessions.