Program areas at Safe Place of the Permian Basin
Emergency shelter - provide Safe and secure shelter for victims of family violence and their children. Our shelter can house up to 66 and during 2022 our average occupancy was 28 for a total of 10,292 shelter nights. In 2022, 147 adults and 171 children were provided shelter services. Clients may reside in the shelter for up to 90 days. While residents are at Safe Place, they receive food, clothing, hygiene items and participate in programs such as counseling, support groups, advocacy and children's programs.
the star children's programs assist children who have witnessed domestic violence. Program activities are designed to improve a child's self esteem, teach coping skills, encourage success in school, educate mothers on non-violent discipline techniques, enhance bonding between parents and children, and support the family during the transition back into the community. In 2022, Safe Place worked with 171 children in the shelter and 129 children on a non-resident basis.
Advocacy and counseling - victims of family violence receive advocacy and counseling both as residential and non-residential clients. Advocates provide support throughout legal and court proceedings, assist with applications for protective orders, provide safety planning and referrals to community resources. In the counseling program, clients work with a therapist both individually and in group sessions to understand the abuse, the impact of the abuse and their options to change for the future. In 2022, Safe Place worked with 147 resident adult clients and 537 non- resident adult clients.
Project adam - provides prevention and intervention services for perpetrators of family violence. In 2022, Safe Place had 179 batterers receive intake and information, and had 69 complete a 24-week program.