Program areas at Saginaw County Community Action Center
Community services - Community services programs are administered by the agency for participants who meet the federal poverty income guidelines. Programs and services are designed to reduce poverty, revitalize low-income communities, and empower low-income families to become self-sufficient. During the year 2,164 individuals benefited from this program.
Food program - food program activities consist of commodity foods that are made available by the u.s. department of agriculture to local agencies to distribute to low-income households. During the year 8,675 households benefited from this program.
Weatherization and energy assistance -weatherization activities reduce heating and cooling costs for low-income families, particularly for the elderly, people with disabilities, and children, by improving the energy efficiency of their homes while ensuring their health and safety. During the year, 26 households were served by this program.
Housing and housing rehabilitation; the agency assisted over 6 households with rehabilitation through our cdbg programs with the city of Saginaw. This included front porch, minor home repair projects as well as the elderly & disabled minor home repair program.
Other agency related programs and services included the fatherhood project of Saginaw County - enrolling 50 men in an outreach program designed to increase employability. We hosted financial literacy classes for clients; workshops for seniors that provided legal aid and assistance and financial literacy; civic engagement encouraging individuals to register to vote and get involved with public policy issues in their Community; youth workforce development with parntership with the department of natural resources; food program parntership with other Community organizations in the city of Saginaw.