Program areas at Saint Anthony Hospital Foundation
Saint Anthony Hospital Foundation raises funds to support Saint Anthony Hospital's Community Development Department's Community Wellness programs as well as clinical areas of the hospital for which both capital and programmatic funds are raised. SAHF has raised funds for initiatives in departments including Radiology, Pediatrics, Mother-Baby, Emergency Department, Medical Stabilization Unit and others.Saint Anthony Hospital community-based services are directed by Senior Vice President for Mission and Community Development, currently James Sifuentes. With an annual operating budget of nearly $2.5 million, Community Wellness provides services from infant care through adulthood, reaching multiple generations of community residents with dozens of free service offerings, screenings, social events, educational programs and assistance. Community-based staffing includes five therapists, four case managers, two health care access community resource educators, a care coordinator, fifteen community health workers, four supervisors, two managers, a project director and three pastoral care workers. The goal of Community Wellness Programs is to support individuals and families, who face the impacts of trauma, poverty, violence, language barriers and limited health access, to achieve an improved quality of life by offering free culturally-respectful services out of four community wellness centers and in various locations across communities.Community Wellness ProgramThis Community Wellness Program provides free services that promotes health education, access to healthcare, case management, group support, and mental health support:Health Access: Community Wellness provides community services through insurance counseling, access to benefits for qualifying individuals, SNAP program assistance, and healthcare system navigation through the healthcare access program. Mental Health: Community Wellness provides Individual, family, and couples services for uninsured and underinsured community members. Case Management: Community Wellness provides accompaniment, system navigation, resource support, and referrals for services needed.Group Services: Community Wellness provides Adolescent and Parent Education, Adults and Children Together Against Violence, and psycho-educational groups for specific needs that are noticeable trends in the community such as grief and loss.Health Education: Community Wellness provides health education around a variety of topics, some of which include how to talk to your doctor, diabetes education and chronic illness. Nutrition classes are also available to provide education on a healthy lifestyle.Saint Anthony Hospital Community Wellness began offering these services over 20 years ago with a focus on families in Little Village. Since that time, the hospital has continued to expand the programming by opening a community wellness center in North Lawndale and offering programs in Brighton Park and Back of the Yards, allowing services to be provided in Saint Anthony's entire service area. All services are offered in English and Spanish, at no cost to participants, to provide a continuum of services for community members.The Community Wellness Program has a history of developing community-defined social services that fill in gaps in the community as well as fostering strong relationships with community organizations in order to impact the social needs of underserved communities. This wraparound model of comprehensive support provides residents with a greater chance for improved health outcomes.Additional programs supported by the Foundation include: Healthcare Access, case management, and community organizing