Program areas at Saint Louis Disc Golf Club
Install new disc golf courses, including new baskets, tee pads, benches, and tee signs, and make significant improvements to existing disc golf courses in the St. Louis metropolitan area. In 2022, over 40 new disc golf baskets were installed at existing courses, in addition to the installation of new tee signs, benches, and tee pads.
Provide for the operation and maintenance of the existing disc golf courses in the St. Louis metropolitan area through hundreds of hours of volunteer labor provided by disc golf club members and supporters. These activities include trimming of vegetation, removal of fallen tree limbs, mulching around teepads, fairways and baskets, trash pickup, moving of disc golf baskets to new pin positions on the courses, and repairs to existing bridges, benches and walkways.
Promote low cost Disc Golf recreational opportunities through administration of tournaments, leagues, and other disc golf relatedactivities in the St. Louis metropolitan area: The Saint Louis Disc Golf Club ran over 20 tournaments and coordinated several leagues, which are available to all members of the community. These events were attended by several thousand participants of all ages over the course of the year.