Program areas at San Diego Oasis
Education for lifelong learning:san Diego Oasis provides educational programs for a broad and diverse audience of lifelong learners. Topics include creative writing, foreign languages, history, philosophy, art, music, book discussions, technology, current events, consumer affairs, and support groups. Programs are offered in locations throughout the San Diego county, including Oasis centers, libraries, community centers and senior centers.
Volunteer service:san Diego Oasis offers a wide variety of volunteer experiences, including intergenerational mentoring programs that address literacy. Through the one-on-one Oasis intergenerational tutoring program, trained volunteers serve as reading tutors for primary grade students in 11 school districts, currently serving more than 100 elementary schools. Volunteers also serve in administrative roles as course instructors, Oasis center volunteers, and ambassadors.
Technology:san Diego Oasis offers a broad spectrum of technology classes for older learners. Courses include understanding cloud and wi-fi, learning to use a smartphone, online safety, social networks, managing photos, gadgets & gismos, strong passwords. These tech workshops help older adults improve their technology skills to make it possible to enter or re-enter the workforce, stay connected to families, and improve their comfort as online consumers. Besides full-length classes, Oasis offers programming in the cox tech tank: one-on-one tech consultations as well as 30-minute workshops on practical tips, such as "what is a qr code?