Program areas at San Diego Squared
Squared Scholars: San Diego Squared invests directly in the success of underrepresented high school and college students and their educators. The Organization partners with innovative companies, foundations, and community leaders who take action and send a clear message: You belong in STEM. The Organization's scholarships are either direct financial support or pay for the fees to STEM-centered programs offered throughout San Diego County by one of the Organization's partners
Squared Interns: Internships can provide a gateway to full-time employment in STEM-driven companies. The Organization has identified opportunities for interns and has recruited champions within some of San Diego County's most innovative companies that are ready to help interns succeed. San Diego Squared matches promising underrepresented undergraduate, graduate, and PhD students pursuing STEM-centered degrees to paid internships.
Events: In partnership with other organizations, San Diego Squared hosts life science camps, coding camps, panel discussions, and other opportunities for students, educators, and their families to engage in STEM-related fields.
Squared FellowsA year long, rotation-based mentorship program for underrepresented high school 10th-12thgraders in San Diego County who are interested in STEM. In this immersive program, studentsconnect with a network of advocates and have front row access to some of San Diego's mostinnovative companies, all to help students design their unique roadmap to get where they want togo in STEM.STEM CapsulesThe San Diego Squared STEM Capsules are short videos that aim to build awareness,inspiration, and STEM representation for underrepresented students. Working in partnership witha video production company, the Organization created a display of videos highlighting committedSTEM professionals sharing their stories, challenges, and advice with the aim to strengthen theSTEM identity in students.SD2 Qtrly All HandsA quarterly event beginning in 2022 where San Diego Squared brings together students, parents,educators, STEM professionals, and student organizations to strengthen the community thatbelieves that diversity belongs in STEM. San Diego Squared shares best practices andopportunities for collaboration and champion thesuccesses throughout the community.