Program areas at San Diego Veterans Coalition
The San Diego Veterans Coalition was incorporated as a 501(c)3 in 2012 for the purpose of coordinating information sharing and collaboration among veteran service providers. Sdvc is a premier San Diego countywide monthly convener of over 150 unique member and participating organizations, businesses, and agencies, as well as, four action groups that provide Veterans and their families with a complete array of services.
At the sdvc we have found that collaboration is the key to addressing the needs of San Diego Veterans, their families and significant others. We have four action groups:1. Physical and emotional health action group (peh)2. Family life action group (flag)3. Veterans: empowered, successful, and thriving action group (vest)4. Education, employment, entrepreneurship action group (e3)through these action groups we are identifying gaps and creating measurable outcomes to resolve them. These groups are made up of our members and together we are working to strengthen our community.during 2020 the San Diego Veterans Coalition (sdvc) collectively held over 48 regular monthly general convening sessions, action group meetings, and special convenings and events. The sdvc is a local area partner through support from the bob woodruff foundation, served as the ca complete count - 2020 census outreach partner for San Diego and imperial counties and ca statewide counties' outreach guidance consultant, was the military-veteran-family sector covid-19 update convener for the county of San Diego office of emergency services, and is a live well San Diego (lwsd) countywide partner. For more information about sdvc' programs, events and activities, and collective impact, visit San Diego Veterans Coalition (sdvc) general convening program:- 12 monthly general convening sessions.- average attendance: 75 attendees per general convening session.- 150 unique member and participating organizations, businesses, and agencies attended sdvc general convenings in 2020.- provided relevant organizational support and guidance to over 300 non-profit organizations, for profit businesses, and city, county, and state agencies throughout 2020. Family life action group program:- 12 monthly meetings in 2020.- average of 13 attendees per meeting.- 14 unique member and participating organizations, businesses, and agencies attended flag meetings in 2020.employment education entrepreneurship (e3) action group program:- 36 monthly meetings in 2020.- average of 8 attendees per meeting.- 33 unique member and participating organizations, businesses, and agencies attended e3 meetings in 2020.physical emotional health (peh) action group program:- 12 monthly meeting in 2020.- average of 30 attendees per meeting.- 50 unique member and participating organizations, businesses, and agencies attended peh meetings in 2020.veterans empowered successful and thriving action program (vest):- 12 regular meetings in 2020.- average of 10 attendees per meeting.- 20 unique member and participating organizations, businesses, and agencies attended vest meetings in 2020 the sdvc and its action group programs collectively organized, held or provided organizational support and guidance for, and/or collaboratively participated in many events and projects including:- as ca complete count - 2020 census outreach partner for San Diego and imperial counties and ca statewide counties' outreach guidance consultant, sdvc produced 8 promotional videos used statewide, organized 14 sdvc to provide over 608,000 in-person and electronic information impressions to veteran households.- as the military-veteran-family (mvf) sector covid-19 virtual update convener for the county of San Diego office of emergency services (oes), sdvc assembled 60-80 mvf serving organizations weekly from april-december 2020 for get the most current covid-19 response information to serve their sector from oes, county public health, and the sd va healthcare director.- as local area partner with support from the bob woodruff foundation, sdvc provided $32 (avg. Per household) food insecurity relief through two sdvc partners to 49 veteran households in december 2020.