Program areas at San Francisco Bay Wildlife Society
Environmental Education and Interpretation for Watershed Watchers program, funded by a contract from Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program. From Oct 2022 to Sep 2023: Reached over 12,151 people via online, public, and hybrid programs, downloads of at-home activities, and other virtual outreach. With public, group and outreach programs (79); stewardship and community science (24), and other programs; summer camp (1); and mercury outreach programs (21). 125 total programs offered. At least 1,304 K-12 students reached (participant age not usually known for virtual programs); 3,241 people in total. And at least 8,910 via social media platforms. More details available upon request.
HYBRID Summer Camp Support 2023 - tee-shirts, materials, payroll part-time associate. Long-standing joint USFWS-SFBWS program for K-12 students from lower income areas; high school students attend training and then lead camp activities. 74 attendees
Warm Springs Vernal Pool Monitoring and Habitat Restoration, funded by Wildlife Heritage Foundation. For Warm Springs, Wildlife Heritage Foundation description: Warm Springs is a unit of the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge. The income from the Wildlife Heritage Foundation funds a Wildlife Biologist Associate position to help monitor and protect endangered and threatened species in this unique vernal pool habitat. Primary responsibilities: conduct invasive weed management including hand pulling and herbicide application, assist with surveys including hydrological monitoring of vernal pools, aquatic surveys for vernal pool biota including tadpole shrimp and California tiger salamanders; vernal pool vegetation surveys; summer vegetation surveys; and invasive weed surveys. Other responsibilities include seed collection and processing, data management, cross support with other Refuges, data entry, report preparation, and supply and equipment inventories.
Peninsula Programs Coordinator delivered activities on the peninsula side of the San Francisco Bay portion of the Don Edwards SFB National Wildlife Refuge. Walks and Volunteer Work Days reached out to about 200 people, and raised awareness through Facebook and other social media posts.
Restoration associated (funded by Cargill) performed habitat restoration on the east and south sides of the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge.
Transportation support for buses and other transport for K-12 student to visit Refuge, providing opportunities for environmental education and outreach to occur with program on-site. Support provided to under-represented and lower socioeconomic students/schools. Income for this fund raised in prior years; not used during COVID years.
Environmental Education Programs, including programs on geology, indigenous people, Drawbridge (sinking town in marsh of Refuge), and more. Details available upon request. Maintenance of outdoor facilities for public use and habitat restoration. Funded from donations and general funds (not shown here, since not specifically for these programs).
Support San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge Complex programs approved by the BOD, including volunteer support & recognition. Funded by donations and general reserves. Revenue not specific to these programs.