Program areas at SF TID
Tid program services activities: convention and meeting sales - during fy 2022-23, there were over 1300 meetings (34 moscone events) held in San Francisco, $530.0 million in direct spending, 705,301 room nights booked. Attended 27 virtual meetings and 31 in person meetings, trade shows and events including meeting professional international, professional convention Management association and international powwow. Marketing promotion - during fy 2022-23, there were over 21.9 million visitors to San Francisco spending over $7.5 billion dollars. The visitor information center was closed; website had 3.35 million visitors, various web publications attracted millions of impressions and sf travel produced various publications. Tourism sales and marketing - during fy 2022-23, there were over 9.9 million international visitors to San Francisco who spent almost $3.2 billion dollars. Sf travel hs representation in 13 international travel office. Partnered with sfo on 8 new air service launches, hosted 132 travel professionals, attended 11 international and domestic trade shows, hosted 212 journalists and obtained wide media coverage.
Sf welcome ambassador program: funds were allocated to block by block, the ambassador vendor for the program, to staff 80+ staff deployed in the assigned areas, specifically tourist areas, to provide program services ranging from providing information about the city, directions, recommendations, well-being checks, reporting cleanliness problems, and ensuring groups booked at moscone and sf hotels felt safe and welcome. Funds were allocated to sf travel to oversee the administrative responsibilities of the grant program. Funds were allocated to the tid for the payroll of the program director and all related expenses to the director's oversight of the program. Funds were allocated to urban place consulting to help advise the program on challenges beyond the scope of work that sf travel or the tid did not have expertise in. Funds are allocated to destinations analysts to provide program surveys to assess the program's successes and challenges.
Med program service activities: during fy 22-23, med funds were allocated towards the debt service due to the city. Allocated funds, per the med plan were allocated to offset moscone rent to entice groups to book future dates at moscone. Funds were also allocated to the moscone renovation funds for the upkeep and maintenance of moscone center.