Program areas at San Pedro Sula Dream Center
Outreach - events - team hosting the organization held several otureach events thorughout the year and hosted missionary teams from their sponsoring churches and partners to come into honduras to assist with their outreach efforts, conferences and programs. A combined 8,409 individuals were a part of their outreach efforts. In early 2023, the first missions team from Alabama conducted outreaches at 6 area schools and organizaed a valentine celebration for kitchen volunteers. They also organized a collective youth night busing in students for a dynamic event. More teams arrived thorughout the year assisting with youth camps were 40 students were sponsored to go by the organization, outreaches, clothing drives, hospital visits and more. The organization also hosted their very first teachers conference with local authorities including secretary of the department of education and district leader.
The Dream Center continues to be an indispensable part of the vision of the organization; resolutely believing in giving hopeless people a reason to Dream. The San Pedro's primary mission is to connect hopeless people to god and form a community of support by providing humanitarian services that address immediate and long term needs in the areas of hunger. Throughout 2023, the organization continued to lean into their primary purpose by offering and expanding on programs that speak to those needs such as their food programs, their education and sports programs, their beneolvence & care programs and their outreaches to their community. The organization also maitained a facilities to help host these programs. They are currently expanding and purchased land in 2023 to begin construction and build a larger facility to faciliate their programs. The organization also continued to administrate and oversea approximately 548 individuals that serve as their foreign staff and volunteers.
Food program relief, benevolence (care) and education programs: the organization trhoughout 2023 continued it's food program, servicing and feeding 64,082 individuals daily meals. The organization also implemented adopt the block visits were they connected with the community by distributing groceries, offering prayer and personally visiting every family connected to the Center. They provided weekly gatherings to the elderly and widowed proividing a weeks supply of groceries with 1610 bags distributed throughout 2023. The benevolence program continued to monitor the welfare of children and families, addressing needs such as medical bills, uniforms, and transportation. The bus ministry ensured that those without transportation could attend church adn other important activities. Some of the highlights the organization reached approximately 18 individuals with it's benevolent assistance throughout the year. A combined 64,100 individuals were assisted with the food and beneolvence programs for 2023. The organizations education and sports programs offered students the opportunity to learn violin, violonchelo, cell choir, guitar, and percussion. The sports program, including 3 soccer teams known as the dc lions, fostered a sense of community and pesonal growth through devotionals, practices, and tournaments and the 78 group won the championship title in 2023. Tutoring and homework help and shcool involvement were cetnral to the efforts to keep children in school and to bring lasting change to the communities served by the organization. The volunteers regularly visited partner schools and conducted evangelistic outreaches at local schools. This year, significant progress was made by expadning the scholarship program to support 8 fully scholarshipped students and 2 partially scholarshipped students. The organization also significantly helped to establish a new bilingual chirsitan school in the city, and supplied many students with necessary school materials. Approximately 388 children were served in the school and sports program.