Program areas at Sarah A Reed Children's Center
Our agency provides an intensive psychiatric residential treatment facility for boys and girls from 5 to 18 years old. This program serves children who have experienced A wide range of serious traumas and as A result have significant diagnostic, therapeutic and safety concernsthat require 24 hour treatment. Each child's individualized treatment plan is developed by the treatment team and includes the child, family, psychiatrist, therapist, nurse, case manager, education representative, and representatives from child-serving agencies.this fiscal year, we served 91 different children providing 14,580 days of treatment.
Our outpatient behavioral health department provides parent child interactive therapy, individual and family therapy, psychiatric services, as well as behavioral health rehabilitation services or wraparound.bhrs provides support for children from 4 to 19 and their families in the home, school and community. These supports and services are wrapped around the children and families in their natural environments (home, school, or community). Natural supports such as family and friends, youth group leaders, coaches, scout leaders, etc. Are identified and are encouraged to participate in this supportive process. Formal mental health services including mobile therapy, and behavior specialist consultation are also available to these families when indicated.outpatient services are available to families with children needing psychiatric and therapeutic intervention due to A loss, trauma or crisis. Interventions include: evaluation; individual and family therapy enhanced by clinical case management; psychiatric assessment; medication management and support; as well as advocacy; referral and linkage to other needed services. This was our third year working with an erie county school. This service is A replacement for traditional bhrs (wraparound), and focuses on students who are struggling with social, emotional, mental health or traumatic issues. These students receive support and treatment they need in school, at home and in the community. This model also includes A family support element. Additionally, we are working to add psychological testing to our array of outpatient services. Our service description was completed and approved this year.sarah A. Reed Children's Center offers outpatient services for children and families at numerous sites throughout theerie area.through our outpatient and bhrs programs, we served almost 1,200 children and their families providing them with supportive, therapeutic and psychiatric services.
The Center offers partial hospitalization services to clients throughout erie county. Program services include acute partial for children in grade 1 through grade 12 and A school based partial program for children in grades 1-12.the school based partial program provides children/adolescents and their families an opportunity to engage in A comprehensive treatment experience designed to treat the "whole" child. The program offers A level of care that enables stabilization of the child's emotional and behavioral disturbances with A therapeutically supported diversion frominpatient care. The goal of the program is to restore A level of functioning that enables the child to successfully return to A regular school setting, re-enter the community and improve overall family functioning.the acute partial hospitalization is an intensive 15 day, non-hospitalbased service which focuses on solution-based, short-term treatmentinterventions to help stabilize children with significantpsychological, emotional, and behavioral difficulties. Professionalstaff provides treatment services in A highly structured, safeenvironment with constant supervision. Sanctuary based psychoeducationalong with educational services delivery are provided daily to targettreatment goals that will provide social and emotional stability whilekeeping children academically steady.program staff receives formal training in crisis management and work closely with A team of clinical professionals to provide A safe and therapeutic environment. The intensive daily regimen of therapeutic activities and services are based on the client's individualized treatment plan and goals. Upon discharge children will have developed proactive coping and social skills that will help them at home in school and in the community. Utilizing the sanctuary model, the partial hospitalization programembraces the 7 commitments of sanctuary and the s.e.l.f. Model. Services occurring throughout the day and week may include any combination of the following: therapeutic art activities, recreation activities, social skills training, individual, family, and group therapy, small and large peer groups, psychoeducational groups, individualized academic instruction and psychiatric assessment and medication monitoring.additionally both programs utilize our outpatient testing clinic services to rule in or out pre-diagnostic impressions which guide the treatment team and treatment plan.our program continues to foster educational opportunities for college undergraduates and postgraduates. This includes our own local college students as well as those in our pre-doctoral program who come from universities throughout the united states. We are richly rewarded with fresh perspectives to mental health treatment ideas, increased staffing patterns while offering the student A unique opportunity to establish future career pathways.our partial programs continue to be A highly sought-after mental health level of care. Over this past 2022-2023 fiscal year we have provided treatment to A combined 360 children in our acute and school based partial programs.
Educational support - our agency has developed partnerships withseveral local school districts to provide A wide range of mental healthand educational suppport services in the school district buildings.these services include refocus rooms in four different schooldistricts, professional mental health counselors for student assistanceprograms, supported educational programs and two alternative educationprograms. Because the records for these services belong to therespective school districts, we do not have easy access to the totalnumber of students servced in these programs. Through these programs,however, we touch every school district in erie county.