Program areas at Sasakawa Africa Association
Ethiopia:the ministry of foreign affairs/pro-environment market-oriented agriculture promotion project in ethiopia premap -many of farmer training centers (ftcs) established by the ethiopian ministry of agriculture in villages (kebele) across the country lack basic infrastructure such as electricity and irrigation, and are not functioning as centers for dissemination of agricultural technologies, especially during the dry season. This project will strengthen the extension function of three farmer training centers selected from the three regions of the country (amhara, oromia and snnp), focusing on vegetables and paddy/rain-fed rice, which are important as cash crops, by equipping them with solar-powered cold storage and small-scale irrigation facilities (gravity/pump). In addition, ai farming support equipment (softbank's "e-kakashi") will be introduced to the ftcs and the national rice research and training center (amhara region) with the aim of establishing water- and fertilizer-saving cultivation techniques that have less environmental revitalizingthe ftcs as incubation centers for innovative agricultural technologies and providing training on market-oriented agriculture, such as pro-environment cultivation techniques, post-harvest loss reduction, and marketing, the project will contribute to improving the income and nutrition of the 20,000 target families. The project is also expected to contribute to climate change mitigation by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.the management of the project will be carried out in a participatory manner by each ftc steering committee, which consists of the Sasakawa Africa Association, the ministry of agriculture and local communities.
Africa small - scale farmer support project by strengthening the agricultural extension system in ethiopia, mali, nigeria and uganda - securing food, nutrition and income in the community by promoting knowledge and information sharing with smallholders, focusing on the following strategic focus areas, to realize a robust and sustainable food system in sub-saharan Africa to enable(1) resilient and sustainable environment-regenerating agriculture that responds to soil degradation and climate change(2) nutrition-friendly agriculture for the health of children and adults(3) market-oriented agriculture that enables agriculture as a business
Nigeria: bayer (monsanto agriculture nigeria ltd)-saa/bayer collaboration on vegetable production -background of the projectbayer was considering distributing hybrid vegetable seeds to small farmers as part of its sdgs activities.using the platform of the current agra project (kaduna state), the company started providing seeds of hybrid vegetables and established a pipeline with agra. With an introduction from agra, talks about collaboration between saa and bayer began.purpose of the projectby distributing hybrid vegetable seeds to 4,750 farmers in kaduna and 4,000 farmers in kano and providing training in the latest agricultural techniques, we will contribute to improving productivity and livelihoods.