Program areas at Save Our Schools Arizona Network
Sosazn extends conversations of public education into the community through local volunteers, including collaboration with stakeholders such as school boards, education associations, school superintendents, teachers, parents, students, local and statewide association, and other groups. Outreach also includes collaboration and information exchange with organizations in other states and nationally battling privatization and supporting public education. Sosazn seeks to foster citizen participation in supporting local public Schools, students, educators, and education infrastructure in order to build a stronger Arizona.
Sosazn used its resources to develop, aggregate, organize, and disseminate research, resources, and information relative to public education in Arizona. The Network focuses on underresourced communities and efforts to privatize and monetize public education, and how structural inequities in funding formulas disadvantage poor, immigrant, native american, and rural communities. Our research has included detailed, nonpartisan information about how school test scores disadvantage economically challenged districts, how universal vouchers threaten to bankrupt Arizona, and the crisis of teachers leaving the classroom.
Sosazn develops and delivers webinars, workshops, forums, discussions, and presentations that inform a wide variety of audiences about the conditions and opportunities for public education throughout Arizona. During 2022, sosazn organized and hosted dozens of online and in-person education forums both locally and for national audiences, including "speaking of Schools" webinars, school board trainings, bi-partisan candidate forums, legislation recaps, and others. Sosazn's blog series on public education and the various methods and practices of defunding public Schools included 8 new posts.