Program areas at Save the Family Foundation of Arizona
Save the Family Foundation of Arizona (Save the Family) provides a four- tiered approach to ending homelessness and poverty: 1) homeless prevention; 2) housing (transitional, rapid rehousing, and step up to independence); 3) case management; and, 4) wrap-around supportive services for both adults and children. Families have access to supportive services offered through our families, adults and children's empowerment services (faces), which includes career development services, parent support services, mental health and substance abuse support services, and children's services. Performance data indicates that 86% of families exiting Save the Family's housing programs exited to permanent housing, 55% of families increased or maintained income, 92% of families improved scores on the homelessness star, and 81% of families obtained and accessed health care for their families. Children and youth engaged in children's services also achieved success with 87% demonstrating improved scores on the youth star. Three years ago, Save the Family began a pilot program - step up to independence housing. This new housing model targets homeless families living doubled-up with other families or in other temporary, often crowded, situations currently unserved by funding provided by the federal government. This program provides housing and supportive services for up to one year and focuses on helping families stabilize, decrease debt, increase income, focus on saving, and build financial independence. Performance data indicates that 82% of families increased financial stability as demonstrated by a reduction in debt, increased savings, increased income, and/or increased wages. Save the Family's families, adults, and children's empowerment services (faces) staff provided supportive services (career development services, parent support services, mental health and substance abuse support services, and children's services) to low-income tenants living in our affiliate arm of Save the Family's (arm) scattered-site affordable housing units, escobedo at verde vista low-income housing tax credit (lihtc) community, and valor on eighth lihtc community. Performance data indicates that 53% of arm scattered-site tenants participated in faces; 71% of escobedo tenants participated in faces; and, 73% of valor tenants participated in faces. In total, Save the Family served 589 families experiencing homelessness and poverty, including 1,157 children.