Program areas at School Empowerment Network
Sen facilitates three year-long new School design fellowships (nsdfs), which guide founding principals through the new School design process. Sen supports the completion of individual School design plans and provides a continuity of coaching from planning through the first crucial years of operation of the new 2022-2023, sen-supported schools demonstrated strong outcomes in reading and math, surpassing state results. In the fall of 2022, we launched 16 new schools, all of which showed growth in their quality reviews. 100% of fellows rate our coaching as either effective or highly effective.
Sen's leadership and School culture programs empower campus leaders to develop strong visions for instruction and School environment. These visions influence classroom activities, enhance School progress, and boost teacher 2022-2023, our leadership initiative in springfield, ma achieved a 92% staff retention rate, with 60% of its participants being people of color-exceeding the district's diversity representation. Notably, 60% of open leadership positions were filled by our program's participants. Schools receiving sen culture coaching saw significant reductions in suspensions and referrals. Furthermore, 100% of staff and leaders agree that the culture coaching program has enhanced safety and improved relationships between students and staff. Sen also collaborated with new york city department of education (nycdoe) to assist 11 superintendents in developing effective planning strategies and enhancing engagement with students, families, and communities.
Sen's School quality review services (sqrs) provide education agencies with a precise, rigorous, and research-based picture of their schools' academic, cultural, and operational health. As both formative and summative tools, sqrs position School systems for successful School improvement initiatives. Sqrs provide a high-leverage professional development experience for School leaders. In 2022-2023, sen conducted 124 quality reviews in 97 schools. Over 98% of surveyed School leaders said that the written sqr report provided high-leverage recommendations, and 84% reported tangible School improvements resulting from the feedback received.