Program areas at School of Love
Pier - a yearlong at-home collection of daily mass gospels and reflections geared for daily family prayer. This simple formation helps families to implement and easily develop a deep form of prayer, and to do this all together as a family.
Member formation - varied quarterly/monthly meetings for learning and for fellowship (with optional additional at-home material) for School of loves most involved participants and volunteers.
Couples small groups - monthly in home small groups of married couples (target 8 couples). Small groups consist of social time, organization provided content (typically videos from another School of Love program, heres to fulfillment), and discussion (guided by accompanying questions).
Date night - a once a month event for married couples who gather for community, a talk, prayer and then go off to finish their date alone at home or on the town - taking with them (0ptional) discussion topics or questions
Social media - a variety of at-home formation and materials for couples and families to use at home
Face to face - a monthly adoration event for the whole family that involves prayer, scripture meditations, and music
Video (heres to fulfillment) - a collection of short, fun, relevant, weekly videos to get couples laughing, thinking, & talking about topics concerning faith, marriage, & family.