Program areas at Seattle Humane
The largest program is our shelter care and adoption services. Seattle Humane is a managed-intake shelter that cares for pets, including those with treatable medical and/or behavioral issues, and there are no limits for space or time. Adoptable companion animals are provided to The public for a fee. Shelter care includes intake, transfers, adoptions, behavior support and foster program. In 2023, The lifesaver rescue transfer program accounted for more than 60% of Seattle Humane's animal population from 90+ high-need shelters in Washington and across The country. The remaining 40% of animals came to The shelter through local surrenders. for The year ended march 31, 2024, The save rate was 98%.
From april 2023 through march 2024, community outreach offered through Seattle Humane's pet resource center included a variety of programs aimed at helping people care for their pets and reducing pet surrender by providing alternatives for pet owners. The pet food bank collected and distributed more than 83,000 meals each month to pets in The community, and we saw that need continue to grow during The year. Seattle Humane distributed resources to partner shelters, food banks, senior centers, and directly to pet owners in need throughout king County. Staff in The pet resource center worked with families to offer financial assistance and other resources through The pet owner assistance fund, polly's pocket fund, The spot (temporary foster) program, and pets for life program. (continued in schedule o)in addition, Seattle Humane offered youth education through various youth programs, including The Humane teen club and adventure camp for kids in The summer.
Veterinary care includes all shelter medical services as well as veterinary services provided to low-income members of The community through The community medicine and public spay/neuter programs. Seattle Humane's veterinary services team provides medical services through The schuler family medical center to every animal that comes through The shelter. Intake exams, vaccinations, surgery, dental extractions, and other medical procedures are provided as part of our routine care. Spay or neuter surgery was performed on every intact dog or cat prior to adoption. (continued in schedule o)in addition to providing care for shelter pets, Seattle Humane also provided low-cost spay/neuter surgeries, as well as vaccinations and wellness services through The community medicine program for income-qualified pet owners to help keep pets in their homes. Seattle Humane is a teaching facility for fourth-year veterinary students from Washington state university's (wsu) college of veterinary medicine. A total of 84 students rotated through The program for The year ended march 31, 2024.