EIN 36-3479964

Second Harvest Northern Lakes Food Bank

IRS 501(c) type
Num. employees
Year formed
Most recent tax filings
To feed NortheasteFeed northeastern Minnesota and northwestern Wisconsin's hungry by rescuing and distributing food and rn Minnesota and Northwestern Wisconsin's hungry by rescuing and distributing food and engaging our region in the fight against hun...
Total revenues
Total expenses
Total assets
Num. employees

Program areas at Second Harvest Northern Lakes Food Bank

Second Harvest Northern Lakes Food Bank's primary program is Food banking. As the only "Food Bank" serving ne Minnesota (st. louis, carlton, lake and cook counties) and nw Wisconsin (douglas, bayfield, ashland and iron counties), we rescue nationally and regionally donated Food from manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers and growers, for distribution to over 68 non-profit agency partners (soup kitchens, Food shelves, shelters and other charitable partners). During fiscal year 2023, we provided 5,278,000 pounds of Food and grocery product, the equivalent of 4.2 million meals, to our agency partners. Volunteers are critical to our Food Bank and its operations. Volunteers contributed 7,618 hours to our Food Bank program during fiscal year 2023, which was the equivalent of 3.7 full-time positions at our organization.
The nutrition assistance program for seniors (naps) is a federal commodity Food program administered by the Minnesota department of health and implemented locally by Second Harvest Northern Lakes Food Bank. During fiscal year 2023, we provided commodity Food boxes to an average of 619 in-need seniors per month throughout ne Minnesota. We distributed 259,010 pounds of Food or the equivalent of 207,208 meals. On average, our naps participants received a 9-day supply of Food as part of our monthly service. Our naps program relies heavily on volunteers. Despite the continued impact of the covid-19 pandemic on our volunteer program in 2023, volunteers contributed 1,863 hours of service or the equivalent of a 0.90 full-time position at our organization.
Our Food shelf is a program operated by Second Harvest Northern Lakes Food Bank to provide Food directly to people in our area. During fiscal year 2023, we provided Food shelf service directly to in-need children, adults and seniors who reside in hermantown, communities that are north and/or adjacent. We distributed 1,353,000 pounds of Food and grocery product to our Food shelf participants which is the equivalent of 1.4 million meals. On average, our Food shelf participants received a 14-day supply of Food for each member in their household at each visit. Our Food shelf is operated almost entirely by volunteers. During fiscal year 2023, volunteers contributed 6,531 hours of service, equivalent to 3.1 full-time positions at our organization.
Mobile Food pantry programs are operated by Second Harvest Northern Lakes Food Bank to supplement Food distribution in ne Minnesota and nw Wisconsin communities where service is limited or in greater demand than local resources are available. During fiscal year 2023, we provided service in five (5) locations, serving in-need children, adults and seniors. We distributed 421,129 pounds of Food and grocery product to our pantry participants which is the equivalent of 336,903 meals. On average, our mobile Food pantry participants received a 6-day supply of Food for each member in their household at each visit. Despite the continued impact of the covid-19 pandemic on our volunteer program in 2023, volunteers contributed 1,363 hours of service or the equivalent of a 0.66 full-time position at our organization.
The backpack program is operated by Second Harvest Northern Lakes Food Bank, in partnership with regional schools, to provide Food to children in need on weekends when they may be missing their federally subsidized school breakfast and/or lunch. During fiscal year 2023, we distributed 114,034 pounds of Food or the equivalent of 91,227 meals through our weekend bags supplied to children in need. On average our backpack program participants received 4.5 meals/snacks as part of our service. Despite the continued impact of the covid-19 pandemic on our volunteer program in 2023, volunteers contributed 2,291 hours of service or the equivalent of a 1.1 full-time positions at our organization.

Grants made by Second Harvest Northern Lakes Food Bank

GranteeGrant descriptionAmount
Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency (AEOA)Feeding People in Need$0
Boys and Girls Club of the NorthlandFeeding People in Need$0
Freshwater Vineyard Christian FellowshipFeeding People in Need$0
...and 39 more grants made totalling $0

Who funds Second Harvest Northern Lakes Food Bank

Grants from foundations and other nonprofits
Feeding AmericaFight Hunger$854,723
Feeding WisconsinFoodshare Outreach Expenses$237,432
Saint Paul and Minnesota FoundationMultiple Grants for Programs, Operations, Or Other Purposes$115,250
...and 32 more grants received totalling $1,814,395

Personnel at Second Harvest Northern Lakes Food Bank

Shaye MorisExecutive Director$124,371
Kevin BryantBoard Member
Tim MowbrayBoard Chair / Board Vice Chair / Board Member$0
Mike GravesBoard Secretary / Board Member$0
Kate DeanBoard Chair$0
...and 5 more key personnel

Financials for Second Harvest Northern Lakes Food Bank

RevenuesFYE 06/2023
Total grants, contributions, etc.$15,386,557
Program services$1,742,228
Investment income and dividends$183,386
Tax-exempt bond proceeds$0
Royalty revenue$0
Net rental income$106,411
Net gain from sale of non-inventory assets$3,543
Net income from fundraising events$0
Net income from gaming activities$0
Net income from sales of inventory$0
Miscellaneous revenues$3,054
Total revenues$17,425,179

Form 990s for Second Harvest Northern Lakes Food Bank

Fiscal year endingDate received by IRSFormPDF link
2023-062024-05-14990View PDF
2022-062023-03-10990View PDF
2021-122022-08-01990View PDF
2020-122021-08-05990View PDF
2019-122021-02-24990View PDF
...and 10 more Form 990s

Organizations like Second Harvest Northern Lakes Food Bank

Food GatherersAnn Arbor, MI$22,528,904
Harvest Against HungerSeattle, WA$4,642,506
Food Bank for the HeartlandOmaha, NE$54,394,898
Manzanita OutreachCottonwood, AZ$8,152,600
Feeding Southwest VirginiaSalem, VA$44,371,162
Hunger Network of Greater Cleveland (HNGC)Cleveland, OH$15,333,847
Feeding San DiegoSan Diego, CA$81,172,109
Mississippi Food Network (MFN)Jackson, MS$42,542,497
White Pony ExpressConcord, CA$12,960,068
Sharing ExcessPhiladelphia, PA$22,730,730
Data update history
November 26, 2024
Received grants
Identified 6 new grant, including a grant for $115,250 from Saint Paul and Minnesota Foundation
August 25, 2024
Received grants
Identified 11 new grant, including a grant for $854,723 from Feeding America
July 19, 2024
Posted financials
Added Form 990 for fiscal year 2023
May 18, 2024
Received grants
Identified 2 new grant, including a grant for $29,493 from American Online Giving Foundation
March 21, 2024
Used new vendors
Identified 3 new vendors, including , , and
Nonprofit Types
Grantmaking organizationsFood banksFood and nutrition programsCharities
Human servicesFood and nutritionHunger
State / local levelReceives government fundingEndowed supportCommunity engagement / volunteeringTax deductible donationsAccepts online donations
General information
4503 Airpark Blvd
Duluth, MN 55811
Metro area
Duluth, MN-WI
St. Louis County, MN
Website URL
(218) 727-5653
Facebook page
IRS details
Fiscal year end
Taxreturn type
Form 990
Year formed
Eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions (Pub 78)
NTEE code, primary
K30: Food Service, Free Food Distribution Programs
NAICS code, primary
624210: Community Food Services
Parent/child status
Free account sign-up

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