Program areas at Seeds Feeds
Providing hunger relief to those suffering food insecurity is our underlying value. We do so by growing (and teaching others to grow their own) food through our 10 food bank gardens located in and around st. louis park (2 fire stations, 3 park and rec edible playgrounds, 1 schoolyard farm, 1 community center, and 1 privately owned plot) that provided over 2,000 lbs of harvested and gleaned food for distribution to 25 households during the summer. Once the gardens close for the season, we again started purchasing for 80 households with over 20,000 lbs of food distributed over the last quarter of the year.
We purposefully engage our community, especially those we serve whose voices are often unheard, to ensure we are fulfilling their needs and desires from our programs and services. We did so through annual events for earth day and our harvest festival, as well as provided the weekly free community potluck-if-you-can meals, plus we provided salad and fresh harvest at our local police weekly basketball and bbq events inside low- income housing neighborhoods.
Our educational efforts to teach people about food, stretching their food budget dollar and how food affects our water, land and many other environmental effects. We teach elementary students as well as have an internship/apprenticeship program of 140hrs (lecture and lab) where eventually our apprentices teach others in the community through skill shares of what theyve learned and hope to share with others. We work with community education to provide sliding scale workshops and classes from soil to table and back again education, with many side shoots such as food waste reduction, etc. Our continued partnership with university of st. thomas has also inspired classes to do projects from marketing to strategic planning, and weve continued working with their busn200 students to fulfill their 40hrs of community volunteer work.