Program areas at Seeds of Change Foundation
Mission hope - mission hope represents fundraising efforts benefiting youth and education in kenya and uganda. Mission hope's goal is to nourish the souls, minds, and bodies of some of the most vulnerable youth by providing care, encouragement, and quality education. Light up hope helped to place 160 high school students in boarding schools around the country, as well as facilitate transitional learning between high school and 100 female students into university or mentorship training. The feeding program expanded and provided meals to 50,000 students in the nairobi slums and kajioto county to fight starvation and provide nutrition and brain development while receiving an education. Kakuswi special school for the deaf educated 75 hearing impaired students of varying ages. Within five villages in uganda, our as one ministries program enrolled 1,378 students, cared for 18,358 patients in the clinics, trained 18,520 farmers through the integrated fips model, and created 224 jobs.
Mission grow - mission grow represents an effort to Change the way of life in africa by improving agricultural yields through funding, education, and simple technologies such as seed varieties, tillage methods, and improved animal breeds. Our mission is to use what god provided - the sun, the soil and the seed - to teach viable agricultural practices that enable farmers around the world to obtain food security and improved livelihoods for their families. Mission grow recruited and trained 4,556 village based advisors, who helped transform farming operations to 907,707 direct farmers impacting 10,892,484 lives using improved agriculture techniques in 14 countries. The soc training grant has provided training to 48 organizations across 14 countries.
Mission thrive - mission thrive focuses on human health and environment. This mission improves human health and living conditions by promoting sustainable habits, creating access to clean air and water, and providing practical healthcare. Over 200,000 individuals benefited from human health programs in south sudan, uganda, nigeria, madagascar, gambia, and el salvador. In nigeria, 529 village health workers were trained to help teach handwashing, malaria testing, and maternal/child health and to provide mosquito nets. Training was provided in 19 villages and 4 clinics. In madagascar, our water projects continued with 10 water wells in progress to include 4 village drill trainings, 12 survey and communication work, 3 new water towers, 40 gardens/farms, 6 water wells ready to be drilled and 20 solar pump kits to install.