Program areas at Semi Foundation
See schedule oas the stem workforce crisis and chip shortage worldwide continue, the Semi Foundation continues to focus on global initiatives that support workforce development and diversity, equity, and inclusion (dei) in the industry to help attract candidates and help develop a global workforce to sustain industry innovation and growth. One of the largest initiatives is the industry image and awareness campaign to raise the visibility of this crucial industry. This includes a national media campaign to inspire students and adults to join the microelectronics industry, as well as an online career exploration portal to help students and job seekers find educational pathways and connections to employers. Other Foundation programs help train workers to upskill or reskill to join the industry. The Semi Foundation also coordinates numerous additional programs to support the workforce pipeline, including a mentoring program for industry professionals to connect with students, a vetworks initiative that recruits military veterans transitioning into civilian life, and consistent industry events on workforce development and dei topics. Semi Foundation also launched a new program called the Semi career and apprenticeship network (scan) which provides customized training programs for employers that includes registered apprenticeship and other work-and learn opportunities. Semi Foundation also supports suppliers and companies with diverse ownership, sponsors an inclusive industry recognition award, and created a dei roadmap and toolkit to share industry best practices.
See schedule osince its inception, the Semi Foundation has sponsored Semi high tech u (htu), an interactive educational program designed to excite students throughout elementary, middle, and high school about science, technology, engineering, and math (stem) and expose them to potential career opportunities in the microelectronics industry. By the end of 2022, the Semi Foundation delivered a total of over 250 htu programs in the united states, austria, france, india, japan, korea, the netherlands, singapore, southeast asia, and taiwan. The program has reached over 11,000 students and teachers.