Program areas at Senior Resources of Guilford
Access to servicesprovided program service in the following areas: Senior line - 5,590 client calls; social work - 1,698 in home client vists and 849 case assistance clients. Caregiver support services assisted 51 caregivers with services such as options counseling, memory cafe and respite vouchers.
Volunteer and employment servicesorganization received $5,781 worth of donated services and use of facilities, not included in expenses, related to volunteer and employment services. In addition, as a result of the Senior line calls, client visits and case assistance, provided program service in the following areas: shiip counseling - 660 clients served and $155,214 medicare saved; foster grandparents - 56 volunteers provided 33,955 service hours to assist 300 school age children.
Community servicesas a result of the Senior line calls, client visits and case assistance, provided program service in the following areas: meals on wheels - 137,065 meals delivered to 821 clients; community nutrition - 31,374 meals served to 385 clients at a total of 6 community nutrition sites; Senior center - 723 clients includes in person and virtual activities; refugee program - 58 refugees assisted.