Program areas at Milestone Senior Services
Medicaid waiver - this program provides an alternative to nursing home placement of medically frail elderly and disabled persons, thereby allowing them to remain in their own homes.
In home support Services home repair - assessments and repair of homes, including minor roofing, plumbing, and barrier-free renovations are offered to seniors in order to keep people in a safe environment. Home care - in-home care aides provide assistance with personal care needs, mobility, companionship and can complete routine household tasks to maintain a healthy and safe living environment. Information and assistance - the consultation and referral specialist helps to identify problems, offers information and consultation, and provides referral sources to any Senior, family and community members in need of assistance. Behavioral health and wellness - this program serves adults, age 55 or over, who are at immediate risk of psychiatric hospitalization or out-of-home placement due to the onset of mental illness or chronic mental illness.obra/nursing home monitoring - nursing home screening and annual review.respite care - this program provides a break from the responsibilities of a care giver for a specified block of time. Coover emergency fund - this program provides for those people in the community with emergency needs who don't have the ability to pay.
Nutrition Services meals - nutritious meals are served at friendship centers located throughout southwest Michigan or delivered to homebound individual's homes. Recreational and educational activities are also offered to seniors at centers in southwest Michigan.
Volunteer opportunities Senior center - the program gives older adults a variety of volunteer, enrichment, educational, social, and recreational opportunities. Senior companion program - this program matches low-income Senior volunteers with frail, elderly and developmentally disabled "companions". Volunteers provide 20 hours of service per week and receive a small stipend.