Program areas at Servants of Christ International
2023 was another growth year for Servants of Christ International. We are now 57 people actively serving in one capacity or another. The core of our ministry is to provide administrative service for part time missions workers and US donors who have known partners overseas.However, we do now have eight workers who are serving full time outside the USA. These include a lady who operates an orphanage for children rescued from trafficking in the Philippines, an ESL teacher in Hungary, a pastor-trainer in Cameroon, a relief worker in Thailand, and orphanage worker in Mexico, a sports team minister in Costa Rica (to urban kids), and a nurse moving to Niger soon.Church construction continues to be a major endeavor of SOCI, as we work through known partners (regional agents) who connect us to half-built churches that are not yet functional. In 2023, we completed 31 projects in the following nations: Malawi, Kenya, Burundi, Malawi, India, Myanmar, Mozambique, Puerto Rico (USA), Uganda, Zambia, and the Philippines. Since 2013 our total construction projects number 208. We also did water well projects in Philippines, and in Myanmar. We purchased both carabao and goats for rural villages on Luzon Island in the Philippines.In addition to having some of our younger workers serving in childrens homes (Orphanages) we are a major funding channel for US donors to support two homes in Zimbabwe, another in Uganda, and three in Kenya.One man who taught English in Ukraine, has remained in that nation and found himself providing all manner of relief goods (and counseling and spiritual encouragement) to local residents who are able to stay in their homes in spite of the on-going war. Another man lives in Liberia and serves on the faculty of a Bible College. Other US pastors associated with Servants have travelled and conducted training seminars in other countries, notably Philippines, Kenya, Bellarus and others.Domestically, we have a man who gives haircuts (and other encouragements) to homeless individuals. Also a lady whose passion is providing posters with the US National Motto In God We Trust to public schools in the state of Texas, which allows such posters (when provided free of charge to the school) to be placed in prominent areas. So we have a wide diversity of people who all serve under a common banner, called The Great Commission of Jesus Christ, to carry good news and help around the world.