Program areas at Service Inc of Illinois
Child & Family Connections also called Early Intervention or 0-3 Services provides eligibility screenings for infants & toddlers where families suspect or know that their child might have a developmental delay or disability. If eligible, CFC provides the family with an evaluation by therapists including but not limited to Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy & Child Development Specialist to determine what services the child & his/her family will need. The IFSP is a coordinated plan involving all of the therapists in development & services are nearly always provided in the home focused on both the child & the whole family's participation. When the child is 2-1/2, service coordinators begin the process of transition with the family of the child to special education or any other needed services.
Individual Service Coordination - Program 500 Child and Adolescent Service Coordination provides essentially the same services as the PASARR Program does except for children. This also includes also a great deal of working with families and school districts as well.Bogard Service Coordination - Provides service coordination services to the members of the Bogard Class pursuant to the provisions of a Federal Court Consent Order. This includes either monthly or quarterly face to face visits to their home, workplace or day program, arrangements for adaptive equipment, opportunity to move out of nursing facilities to community based services, arrangements for specialized services to be brought into the nursing facility in case the individual chooses not to move into the community, help with any sort of problem, contact with family/and or guardian, attendance and advocacy at the annual individual service planning meeting, emergency hot line, etc.
Individual Service & Support Advocacy, Purchase of Care 50DD, provides each child & adult being served in any Medicaid Waiver developmental disabilities program with independent service coordination. Included are face to face visits annually with each individual at their home, act as an advocate, complete personal plan, which must be signed off'. Service coordinators are available to assist in emergencies or whenever the individual needs help, wishes to move somewhere else, is hospitalized or discharged or any other life disruption. Service coordinators work closely with providers, the Office of State Guardian, Inspector General, State DD staff & a wide range of community based services to assure the individual is receiving the services they need & that their rights are known to them & being respected.
McHenry County - Health Board and Educational Advocacy