Program areas at Beacon
Shalom center: the shalom center is Beacon's day shelter and our main location, where phil's kitchen, rapid-re-housing, and street outreach all work from. Open every weekday from 8am to 4pm, shalom provides life essentials to help people stabilize in times of need, including: day shelter, breakfast and lunch (53,437 meals served), emergency groceries, restrooms, showers (5,174), laundry (192 loads), storage, telephones, a mailing address, bus tickets (6,186), prescription assistance (25 people), rent and utility assistance (108 households), identification (89), and access to housing resources. Shalom center also provided counseling sessions (1,531), assisted people without homes, and reunited homeless people with out-of-town families (31). Friend's place: Beacon provides overnight shelter to people experiencing homelessness. Friend's place is the only year-round, nonreligious shelter for adults (age 18+) in our region. Friend's place provides safe and sober beds for men, women, and gender nonbinary people. The shelter opens daily at 5:15pm. Guests must not be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs, and monroe county residents are given priority. Friend's place sheltered 231 people (34.15% of whom moved into permanent housing) for 14,523 bed-nights.crawford homes and rapid re-housing: as a housing first organization, Beacon prioritizes housing for people experiencing homelessness. Beacon provides permanent supportive housing (crawford homes) for people experiencing long-term homelessness due to disabilities. Crawford homes provided homes for 131 formerly homeless people with disabilities. Rapid rehousing for people experiencing short-term homelessness who need less intensive supports. Rapid re-housing housed 105 people without shelter.